I would like to share with you a quick principle that we sometimes overlook and that is the principle of “sowing and reaping” Most times we look at sowing and reaping in terms of planting/farming, but it also applies to our relationship with others. Did you realize that what we have been doing over these many months is sowing into the lives of our children and grandchildren? As we practice to consistently go before God for our children, we will find ourselves going before Him for other things as well. This helps us to develop a closer relationship with Him and the closer we get to God, the more our perspective about things will change. We start to slowly but surely get a clearer picture of who God is and who we are and his incredible Love and concern for our welfare. Eventually our Faith gets strengthened; we reap the benefits of Galatian 5: 22-23 (fruit of the spirit).
On the other hand we
can sow and reap negative attitudes and words.
Here is something I came across from Joyce Meyer. Joyce mentioned the fact that the devil
delights in keeping us busy thinking selfishly, sowing words of strife in our
families and thinking negative thoughts about bosses, pastors etc. The devil wants us to sow bad seed in every
single relationship. Joyce continued to
say that so many people behave this way and then wonder why people treat them
the same way- the answer is simple, they are reaping what they have sown. (Thank God sometimes we are spared the full effect of the
crop we deserve to reap).
My question is what
else are you sowing today in the life of your children, grandchildren and other
people’s children? Let us purpose to sow
love, forgiveness, kindness, patience- (fruit of the Spirit) in our
relationship with our children and others.
In His Service,