Friday, July 31, 2015

Follow His Lead

I trust all is well with you and your family and that you are enjoying the summer so far. For those who may be experiencing sweltering heat, please make sure that you keep as cool as possible- drinking plenty of water and using sunscreen lotion is always a plus.

  As for me and the family, we are doing well. We recently returned from a well -deserved vacation in Jamaica. I broke all my rules and ate so much food including my favorite Devon house ice cream, I came back quite a few pounds heavier, but quite refreshed and re-energized. From time to time we all need to take a break and get refreshed and strengthen.

I cannot help but reflect on a well-known passage from Psalm 23-
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.
The words "He makes me lie down" - suggest something done by force. Jesus our Shepherd realizes that if He does not force us to lie down and rest, we would keep going until we fall over from exhaustion. Being the wise, caring compassionate  and loving Shepherd he is, He finds us the ideal places - green pastures- not only can we rest but our needs are taken care of.
Don't you find it very calming when you sit beside a quiet pond, river or pool? It is times like this that we are able to meditate, reflect and eventually we drift off in sleep. It is in our quiet moments that Jesus is able to get our full attention. He is able to have meaningful conversations with us and by the end of it all our souls are refreshed and we leave strengthened.
  Why not pause for a moment and be strengthened? Cast your cares on Him. Follow where He leads, He knows the path- potholes and all. Do not stop along the way or try to wander, the green pastures and still waters are up ahead.

 Please remember to send any prayer request that you may have- nothing is too small or too large for God. You can email me at


In His Service,

Friday, July 3, 2015

God's Word is supreme

Happy 4th of July to you and your family. As usual it is such a pleasure writing to you. I trust that you and your the family have been doing well and that you are continue to exercise strong faith in the promises of God.
It is so easy with all that we hear happening in the news to give up hope and call it quits, but instead we have to stand firm. As Jesus prayed for Peter that his faith would not fail, He is also praying for you and I that our faith will not fail (Luke 22:31-32).
I am sure you are aware of the incident in Charleston, South Carolina, where 9 people were brutally killed while attending bible study.  Can you imagine this would happen in the church? I am sure that security has beefed up in most churches because of this, but we cannot lock the doors of the church because if we do so then we may be also locking out that sinner who needs salvation, or that person seeking prayer. Instead let us pray for the spirit of discernment so that we are able to discern the wolves among us and take the right actions.
One other thing that happened since we last spoke was the decision by the supreme court granting the right of same sex marriage in all 50 states. The rainbow colors came out all over the country including the white house being lit with the colors of the rainbow.
We must however remember to continue to demonstrate God's love for those who engage in this behavior. Just as God loves the sinner but hate the sin we must also practice this concept. The supreme court is the highest court of the land but it still falls very low when compared with the word of God which supersedes every other decision in this world. 
When I see the rainbow, I do not think about gays and Lesbians, instead it reminds me of God's covenant promise to the Noah that would be for generations to come (Genesis 9) "Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth."

 Let me encourage you all not to become complacent or lukewarm. Let us continue to stand on the promises of God for you and your children. Do not give up hope or get anxious and unsettled. Trust in God and demonstrate this trust for your children to see and follow. Never allow a day to go by without lifting up your children before God and asking that He will bestow upon them Godly wisdom to make righteous decisions from day to day.
The kingdom of God suffers violence, join in with the violent and take it back by force.

Please remember to send any prayer request that you may have- nothing is too small or too large for God. You can email me at


In His Service,
