Friday, July 15, 2016

The face of Evil

Over the last couple of years I have seen evil raise its ugly head more and more both nationally as well as internationally. In the last month alone evil seems to be mocking us with a “catch me if you can attitude”

 The face of evil was seen in Orlando, Florida; in St Paul, Minnesota; in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; in Dallas Texas and as of yesterday in Nice, France. This list is by no means exhaustive, as there are daily display of evil in many of our cities and states that do not get national attention. The effects are devastating as it impacts so many lives directly and indirectly.

The bible tells us that in the last days “perilous times” will come - 2Timothy 3:1. However, I don’t want us to stop there, instead I want us to read about something else that will happen in the last days. In Joel 2:28-29 and in Acts 2:17 we see that God will “pour out His Spirit on all Flesh”, our young men will see visions and our old men will dream dreams.

We can counteract evil with good, let’s pray diligently for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all flesh. Let’s pray for a revival in our hearts, in our homes, our communities, our churches, and at our work places. Let’s genuinely invite God back in our affairs. Do not stop praying when it seems everything has quieted in the news. Do not let down your guard, Satan doesn’t. We must be persistent. If all God’s light and salt in the earth decide to savor and give light- darkness (evil) cannot stand, it cannot comprehend what it sees.  I beseech you to set some time aside daily to pray and keep calling out to God for a change in our land.

In His Service,


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Making the choice to forgive

This post is not new it was originally posted April 20, 2013 on my face book page, but I am lead to repost. Not a bad thing because most times we forget what we saw 3 days ago, how much more 3 years ago. In addition I have new friends, why rob them? Lol!

Most of us are able to recite the model prayer found in Mathew 6: 9-13, but how many of us really internalize and meditate on the meaning of those words. Sometimes we get so familiar with something or someone that we take it or them for granted. We fail to pay much attention to details and can really miss some important facts.

I would like to point out 2 very important verses, one being verse 12 "And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors" What am I really saying when I horridly mumble these words? I am interpreting this as asking God to forgive us of our debts/trespasses/transgressions/sins as we forgive those who have transgressed or wronged us. Forgive us in a similar fashion as how we forgive- oops, really?

However, in practicality what we may be saying is- Lord I refuse to forgive Sally who talked about me 2 years ago, I refuse to forgive, my ex-husband for leaving me, my child for breaking that priceless piece of china, or my boss for passing me over for that promotion, and so Lord I expect the same treatment from you.

 Another practical interpretation could be- Lord it was so hard to forgive all these people who over the years have wronged me, but it was not worth holding on to un-forgiveness so with your help forgive them and I know you will do the same for me as well for my many mistakes and wrong doing. 

The second important fact that I want to draw to our attention is not even within the verses of the model prayer, but the verse that comes after (14): For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

Being reminded of this I make a conscious choice on a daily basis to ask the Holy Spirit for strength to forgive everyone and every wrong even when it hurts a lot.  I realize that in my flesh I would prefer to choose who and what to forgive and when I forgive them, and so I look to God for the strength to make the right choice and forgive. 

So the next time you say the model – prayer please pay attention to the details.

In His Service,


Saturday, July 9, 2016

Salt and Life- Part 2

I did promise to post this yesterday as a conclusion to my 2-part series on "Salt and Light", but with all that has taken place since my first post I decided to wait and spend the time in prayer for our nation. As I prayed I realize that more so we need to remember that we are called to be light in this world, the light in dark places.

Today is a moment of darkness in our country and there are people looking for the light to lead them to a safe place as they stumble around, as you read this piece I pray that you will remove your "bushel" and blow your cover, so others will see your light and find hope.

      light is not simply to allow others to see whatever they wish but it is for others to witness the acts of justice that Jesus' followers perform.  Beyond that, it allows the audience to recognize the cause of these actions, the God of heaven. 

Neither salt nor light exists for themselves. They only fulfill their purpose when used, poured out.

The “bushel” Jesus mentions here is not a unit of measurement, rather, Jesus refers to a vessel big enough to cover a lamp. He describes a light not snuffed out but covered up. The light is not extinguished. It is rendered ineffective.

 This morning let’s think about the bushels that cover your ministry’s light. What are they? Maybe the bushel is an inferiority complex, a lack of confidence that comes from comparing ourselves to others ministry. Or perhaps the bushel is self-absorption, all about three people- me myself and I- that is a bushel that prevents our light from shining.

Perhaps the bushel is a fantasy in our head. Jesus gives the central insight that lights don’t magically end up underneath bushels. The only way for our light to be covered is if we put a bushel over it. “No one after lighting a lamp puts it under a bushel” (verse 15). We are not victims inevitably doomed to being distracted and drained by the bushels of inferiority or self-absorption or fantasy. Bushels can only block out the light when we put them there.

Unfortunately, for some of us and for some of our churches our bushels become our very identity. Not only do we put the bushels over our light, we cling to them for dear life, unwilling to let them go. This light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1:4-5). So “let your light shine before others” (verse 16).

 In His Service,

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Salt and light

At the church that I attend- we have been talking a lot about us being the “salt and Light” that Jesus calls us to be.  We find this reference in Mathew 5: 13-16. If you are able to read the entire chapter that would be good but if not just read those few verses and allow God to minister to you.

Let me share with you a few thoughts on the subject. I will do this in 2 parts today and tomorrow. Today I will concentrate on salt and tomorrow I will expound on light.

In this passage Mathew 5:13-16, Jesus is talking about a life that makes a difference for others in the world. Jesus uses simple everyday things so that those he taught could relate to what he was saying. I just love that about Him.

Salt is a very common element it is in every home, however it’s only valuable when it is applied on other things.  Sitting on the shelf or the table renders it useless. In other words salt exist for other things not for itself.

As the followers of Jesus we are called to exist for others. We are called to add flavor to tasteless situations and circumstances. If we refuse to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, to bring hope to those who are hopeless and to bring comfort to those in distress, then we are “good for nothing” except to be discarded.

If you leave salt sitting on the counter for a while it starts to get moist and then it becomes brown around the edges, it becomes unattractive. Nobody wants to use it and it gets thrown out. What a waste!

Examine yourself and your activities at home, work, in the grocery store, the shopping mall or in a conversation with your neighbor- are you adding value? Do your words bring hope, joy and peace or do they create helplessness, sadness or confusion? You decide!

In His Service,
