Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Stay in the Game

I have grown to love sports.  As a matter of fact I did not have much choice as my husband is and my son was a sports fanatic and when they held that remote it was programmed to only go to the sports stations (LOL).  In the long run I got sucked into just watching and enjoying sports.  One of the things that I always marvel at is regardless of how a player appeared to have been hurt they wanted to stay in the game.  If they had to be taken out before you know it they wanted to return, because they were not satisfied to stay on the sidelines.  They were passionate about their game.

 Most of us are involved in our own game- “life.”  As we make our plays we sometimes get hurt.  Sometimes it’s just a bruise or a sprain, sometimes we get fractured and other times we even get critically injured.  We have the choice to sit on the sidelines and watch the game go on without us or we can get our wounds taken care of and get back into the game.

In the bible, we see examples of many athletes who became injured as they ran their race, but instead of stopping and sitting on the sidelines they stayed in the race to the end.  Joseph was sold into slavery, Ruth lost her husband, Naomi lost her husband and her sons, Job lost all his children and his wealth, Paul was placed in prison, Jesus Christ was tried and eventually crucified but they all stayed in the race and because of their determination they made a difference in the world.  You can read their stories in the bible. 

I was one of those athletes who got severely injured as I ran my race; I stopped to get treated and I really wanted to just stay out of game and sit on the sidelines.  I didn’t want to take the chance of another injury.  However I realized if I stayed on the sidelines I would not finish and win my race so I went back into the race.

I understand that staying in the race is not easy, but because of my passion I keep going.  I realize that other people are depending on me to hear the good news of salvation.  I realize that there are people around me who are still in captivity and need to be loosed, who are still prisoners and need to be set free, who are still blind need their sight, and there are still those who are mourning and need comfort.  I am charged with the task to let them know that there is hope, because Jesus Christ has already done for them the very things they are looking for.  I keep going because no one else can run my race and complete my task.

Today I want to encourage you to stay in your race.  Do not sit any longer on the side line.  You have a job to do.  You may have been hurt because of betrayal, disappointments, an illness, the death of a loved one, a miscarriage, the loss of your home or job.  I do understand that the pain of your injury is real, but please allow God to treat you and “get right back in the race.”  The longer you stay out, the more out of shape you become, and the more difficult will be your journey.  Somebody is depending on you.  It may be your children, spouse, neighbor, a friend, or a relative.  You have the key to their prison door and if you sit on the sideline you won’t get to them.  Don’t leave them stranded, which you will, if you are content to stay on the sideline rather than get back in the race.


In His service,
