Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Spirit of Deception

Greetings!  I hope you all had a wonderful and productive week.  By this time all schools and colleges have reopened and in full swing and the tears have dried for those who had children leaving home for the first time.  I believe that this is especially difficult for those going to first grade and spending a full day in school and those who started college and living on campus.  Be of good courage, many of us have been there and survived, so will you.
For this week I would like for us to pray that our children will not fall prey to the spirit of deception especially our young adults.  Deception has been around for many years, as far back to the Garden of Eden in the book of Genesis where Eve was deceived by the serpent.  Satan is a master at deception and before you know it he will have you believing lies about yourself, your children, the church and God.  As the serpent did with Adam and Eve, the lie may not be a blatant one, but just a slight deviation from the truth, but it is still deception.  The most intelligent of us is susceptible to deception.  We must, however, counteract the lies of the enemy with the truth of God’s word.  When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, He used the word against Satan, and so must we, but we first need to know the word.

Ephesians 5:6- Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.

Let us pray for God to give our children the spirit of discernment to recognize when they are being deceived.  Let us pray that the veil will be removed from their eyes so that they can see the light and become children of obedience.

In His Service,



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