It is such a pleasure to write to you again today. I do hope you had another great week and you are looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Were you able to memorize any of the promises of God for you and your family this week? Well if not let's shoot to start doing so this weekend.
Do you have a child or children that you are concerned about. Perhaps they may have a chronic illness, or have been diagnosed with a type of cancer, or learning disability; maybe they are being bullied at school or themselves bullying other children. It could be that they are rebellious and challenge everything you tell them, perhaps you are concerned that they seem to have no friends or too many friends. Whatever the issue, if it is concerning to you then it is important. We talked last week that every promise that God has for you and your children are sealed with a yes and an amen. Is there a promise that would address our concerns about our children?
Here is one that I do believe fits very well and it comes from Psalm 138:8. This scripture makes it very clear that the Lord will perfect that which concerns you. The word perfect here means to mature or bring to completion . God will not leave you to flounder. What concerns you concerns Him as well. Phil 1:6 reassures us that if He has started any work with us He will see it through. All that you need to do is to tell God about your concern. Open your heart to Him, you can confide in Him, He will never repeat what you have told Him. You mean too much to Him. God will keep His promise you only need to believe it.
In His Service,