Friday, July 5, 2013

Cast Your Care Upon Him

I trust you had a great fourth of July, some good food, fun and relaxation. and you were able to perhaps enjoy at least some of the fireworks.

For this week I would like to leave you with these words of exhortation which comes from I Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
Did you realize that Jesus cares as deeply for you as he did for his own  mother.  Unlike when left the care of His mother to John as He hung on the cross, He has taken on the responsibility to care for us personally. Jesus is aware of how concerned mothers are over their children, He understands our heart beat. After all He saw how concerned His own mother was when at the age of 12 years old their first trip out of town He was missing.

Jesus is also equally concerned about your children. Can you remember when He rebuked the disciples and told them to let the little children come to Him? What did He do?  He took them in His arms and blessed them.

Go ahead give Him your concerns and worries. Take your children to Him as He asks, He only wants to bless them and you as well.

 If you can please tune in to the Webinar tomorrow see info below.
Sat. July 6th -4pm-2nd MPUSH Webinar:
Phone# 213-465-4340 Access Code:501 1552
 In His Service,



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