Friday, June 28, 2013

Speak to those dry Bones

Here we are at the last weekend in the sixth month of 2013. Were there some resolutions that you had at the start of the year? Well you better get going before you know it 2014 will be here.  If you have young children, before you blink they will have grown up and off to college, so hang in there and do the best you can while enjoying every moment of it.
  I hope by now you are convinced that you are full of God's power and greatness. and as such you are able to confront the impossible situations in your life.  Victory has already been given to us, we only need to know how to appropriate it.  Ezekiel faced a valley of dry bones- (impossible situation) when God asked him the question can these bones live? It was not that God did not know the answer but He was challenging Ezekiel's faith.  God then told Ezekiel to prophesy to the dry bones, again God was confirming the fact that the words from our mouth are powerful. (Ezekiel 37:1-14).

Like He did to Ezekiel God is challenging us about some dry areas in our lives that we have given up on because life seems impossible. Think about what these areas are and speak to God about them and listen carefully to what He tells you to do. Exercise your Faith and speak to these situations and tell them exactly what God tells you to say, then watch the life return to them.  Remember that it is not about you, but more about who is within you.  It is not about knowing what He says but more about obeying what He says.
 In His Service,


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