Friday, June 7, 2013

Consistency in Praying is Key

Last week I mentioned a heat wave and today I am seeing torrential rains with possibility of flood in low lying areas.  Ok Lord I am not complaining, just sharing.  So next week let me guess, sunshine?

It is that time again to encourage you about praying for your children.  I may sound like a broken record, but that is the focus of MPUSH.  Not only is consistency a key factor in our praying but it is good to pray offensively, and not always praying on the defensive.  Satan never takes a break, neither should you.  The minute you sit back to relax, that is the moment he sneaks in to create havoc.  Remember that you can bring every concern, dream, and desire about your child to God in fervent, persistent prayer.

 For today let us pray that our children will not wander away from the protective hedge that God has placed around them.  Pray that Satan will not reach them to lead them into temptation and that they will be kept safe from harm- 2 Thessalonians 3:3; and
If you have older children pray that they will not be unequally yoked in intimate relationships, especially marriage see what the scripture says in 2 Corinthians 6: 14 .

 Have a great weekend!

In His Service,


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