Friday, May 31, 2013

His Providential care

I am not sure what the weather is like where you are, but there is a heat wave where I am and it is still Spring. If you are experiencing similar weather, please stay cool, and drink plenty of water, this ensures you stay hydrated. Younger children and the elder are more prone to dehydration so pay special attention to them and please do not forget your pets.

 Whenever I think of the heat I also think of water, shelter and coolness and the scripture that comes to mind is Psalm 23:2-3

  It is such reassurance to know that Jesus makes us lie down in green pastures. If it was a choice most of us would choose to wander off on our own and in the end starve instead of taking advantage of His provision. The fact that He leads us beside still waters reminds me that I need to remain calm and cool by these waters and enjoy being refreshed.

 Understanding that He does restore my soul makes me want to run to Him on a regular basis so that He can take care of all the nicks and cracks that my soul may sometimes suffer and get that strength that I need.  If I continue to follow Him down the path of righteousness I can be assured that He will help me avoid those potholes along the way, because He is familiar with the path. 

I hope you will take some time this weekend to share this great Psalm with your children as a reminder of God's providential care.

 In His Service,


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