Friday, May 10, 2013

More Than a Mother

Mother’s day is fast approaching so let be among the first to wish you a happy Mother’s day.  I do hope that you will be pampered for the day, or probably you will be pampering your mother.  In case your children are not grown enough to fix you breakfast, they may be able to bring you your slippers or a glass of water.  If dad is around hopefully he will pick up the slack.

MPUSH ministry will be celebrating mother’s day early as tomorrow will be our 2nd annual MPUSH mother/child breakfast event which promises to be both exciting and empowering.  I am expecting that God will be blessing in a mighty way.

Did you realize that every day is mother’s day for God?  Yes He treats us with very special care every minute of every day   Not that any person or thing can be compared to God, but we can say that all the qualities that we are looking for in a mother we can find in God and much more.  We see mothers as nurtures, givers, protectors, and comforters. Mothers for most part can be described as loving and caring.  God embodies all these qualities and more.  He nurtures us in His bosom especially when we are young in Him.  God comforts us when we need to be comforted and will even wipe the tears from our eyes, and cleans our wounds when we fall and scrapes our knees.  He is a giver; He blesses us spiritually, physically and financially and He showers us with unconditional love. 

For those who are planning not to enjoy mother’s day because you may have lost your own mother or have lost a child, as you reflect on what you are missing, think about what you have and give God thanks.

In His Service,


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