Friday, May 24, 2013

Building Your Memorial

I hope you had a good week in spite of all the various disasters that have been in the news-floods, tornados, and collapse of a bridge. Let us remember to pray for the various families that have been impacted by all these tragedies.
 Most of us I am sure are looking forward to this Memorial Day weekend. On Monday we will remember all those who have died in service for our Nation. 

 Have you ever thought about building your own memorial ?  Throughout the bible we see where various people built memorials (altars) to the Lord like Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Aaron, and Gideon.  We also see where the Lord took special note of what some people were doing and recognized it as a memorial. Take a look at this conversation with Cornelius and the Lord in Acts 10:44

 Mary Magdalene by anointing Jesus' feet had built a memorial to the Lord. In describing Mary after this event,  we find that this incident was what was used for others to know exactly who she was.  John11:2

 These were all ordinary people who had no fanfare, but because what they did was from their heart, God took notice of them. What can you do in your quiet way, and from your heart, without fanfare that God will take note of.

In His Service,


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