Friday, May 3, 2013

He is The Good Shepherd

Did you realize that the promises that God has for your children are the same promises that He has for you?  One of the promises is that of divine provision or taking care of our needs. As any responsible parent we strive to make sure that we are able to give our children what we think they need and if we are unable to we worry and get anxious. However I came across this verse in Isaiah 40 which was a real encouragement for me which I hope will also encourage you.

Isaiah 40: 11- He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry [them] in his bosom, [and] shall gently lead those that are with young.

The role of a shepherd is a very important one. In the bible God/Jesus is often referred to as a Shepherd such as the Good shepherd, the Great shepherd and the Chief shepherd. One of the first thing that a shepherd does is to feed his sheep. They do so by leading them to green pastures and as soon as that pasture becomes bare, then the shepherd moves on leading them to new pastures.  Jesus as our Shepherd makes sure that we are fed- physically and spiritually.  He does this not just for you, but also for your children.  We should try not to worry when a door of income disappears He will open up an alternative source.  Sheep are not able to take care of themselves- they will not do a good job.  As His sheep we also need to remember that we are unable to take care of ourselves either. We must depend on our Shepherd.  The Shepherd not only takes care of the sheep but He also takes care of the lambs.  Just as the shepherd carries the lambs in his bosom a place of protection, comfort and intimacy, Jesus, our Shepherd carries those of us who are weak and young and helpless.  Jesus as a Good shepherd knows how to treat each one of us.  He carries a rod and staff, but knows when to use each. He knows when to be Gentle and when to nudge or pull.  

Let us take some time to thank God for being the Great Shepherd and always providing for us and our children.

In His Service,



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