Friday, January 24, 2014

Unless the Lord builds the house.....

I hope you are doing well and have started to reclaim the territories you lost in previous years and gearing up to conquer some new grounds. Well this is the focus for MPUSH and for me in particular for 2014.  We cannot allow Satan to keep any of our "stuff" - TAKE IT BACK !!!
I would like to share some insights I received from reading Psalm 127. This Psalm is considered a family psalm, written for Solomon by his father  
David.  Solomon had a house to build, a city to watch over and children to raise.  In the midst of all this responsibility David encourages Solomon
 to look to the Lord for direction and depend on His providential care. David knew that as wise as Solomon was his wisdom was insufficient to bring success in all he had to do. I especially like verse 2 which shows us that regardless of how early we wake up or how late we go to bed, God is the one that allows us to have a restful sleep, not the amount of work we do.
As we hustle and bustle to get our house  and family in order let us always remember to include God in all our affairs, because without him we will fail or will have to work twice as hard.  Stay warm!
 In His Service,


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