Friday, March 21, 2014

Gone too soon

Can you believe it tomorrow March 22nd will be two years since my son passed away. I guess time does fly whether you are having fun or not. For me this is just like yesterday. It is so incredible how a person's life can change so suddenly and so dramatically. The journey has been difficult, but I keep going because I know that I am not alone. Every step I take I can feel God's presence around me and hear His voice saying "I will never leave you nor forsake you".  I will not even pretend that I understand what God is doing but with a blind Faith I Trust Him.
 Here are some truths that I know about God;

1. He loves me with an everlasting love and would never do anything to cause me pain.
2. He knows the plans He had for me and they are plans to prosper and not to harm me, they are plans to give me a hope and a future.
3. I loved my son immensely but it did not even come close to how God loved Him.
4. God will use me and my experience to minister to others who may go through similar situations, so that they know that they too will make it.  
As another year comes to a close, please continue to pray for me , my husband and my daughter that we will allow ourselves to be cradled and rocked in God's arms.

 In His Service,


Friday, March 7, 2014

He has Keeping Power

 A wonderful Friday evening to you and yours. I hope your week was productive and you were able to achieve your goals. I realize that it sometimes takes a lot to stay focused and get things done. We all have very good intentions, which may not become realities because of us getting distracted by "things" even when they may seem legitimate.

For this evening I would like to share a verse of scripture from Psalm 121:3 I will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

This verse reminds us of the preserving power of God. If God keeps our feet from slipping we can translate this to mean that He will enable us to stand. There are situations that come upon us that will cause our feet to become shaky. But understand that God will not allow you to slip or fall. His keeping power is available to us. Do not give in to that temptation in your moment of weakness; remember He has given us a way of escape. When these hurdles come along especially those high one that you are not able to jump over- do not panic- Allow God to take you over them.
There are times when it would appear that we cannot even see where we are going, we get thrown into valleys and unfamiliar terrains, know that God specialize in creating pathways for you that will keep you from stumbling. Psalm 37:23-24 is a good affirmation of this truth- this is what it says: The steps of a man are established by the LORD and He delights in his way. When he falls, he shall not be hurled headlong; because the LORD is the One who holds his

hand. I Love this. Even when I fall, because I stray from the path He has created for me I will not be hurled- or thrown headlong- That is brain damage!!!!

The psalmist continues to remind us that: He who keeps (protects, guards) you will not slumber. In other words your guardian will not fall asleep-not even a light sleep or even doze off. His watchful eyes are never closed.

Guess what if He does that for you, He does the same for your children. God has no grandchildren; our children are also His children. So Keep Pushing for them.

In His Service,
