Friday, July 25, 2014

Benefits Galore

It is such a pleasure every time that I get an opportunity to connect with you. I do hope that your week was good and that you were able to accomplish all or most of what you had set out to do. 
For this week I would like to share with some and remind others of some of the fantastic benefits that we and our children can enjoy - Psalm 103:2-5: Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits-- who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's (NIV).
Sometimes we tend to look at benefits as something tangible, but think of how powerful these blessings are that we can so very easily overlook. I don't know about you but my family and I look forward to enjoying these blessings.
In simple words we have the benefits of salvation, health, wealth, love, compassion and youthfulness. So regardless of what things may look like let us keep the main thing the main thing and get in position so that we are able to access these benefits.
Please remember to join us as we continue to pray for the various cities as indicated in the calendar for the month of July.  Have a great weekend!
In His Service,

Monday, July 7, 2014

Making it happen Monday

Have you ever found yourself being constantly reminded of a wrong that you have done in the past? Sometimes it appears that you keep paying over and over and never can vindicate yourself. It is like your past is keeping you a hostage so that you are unable to move forward.
Perhaps you may be the one who like to hold on to the wrong that someone has committed against you. The person has apologized, tried to make it right but you insist on holding that offense against them, reminding them of it every chance you get.

This evening I want to make it happen for you. I need to share with you some good news. Romans 8:1- There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. What does Paul mean when He says there is no more condemnation to those of us in Christ Jesus? 

Let me take you back to the beginning. God created mankind in His image. Man was perfect and without sin. However before long, we became tainted with sin through the disobedience of Adam and Eve and became separated from God. 

Each year the high priest would now have to go to the inner sanctuary of the temple also known as the Holy of Holies to make atonement for our sins. The high priest had to first cleanse himself and make sure that he was in right standing with God before he went behind that veil into the Holy of Holies. If the Priest did not meet the standard God required he would be struck dead inside and the sin of the people would not be forgiven. They would have to wait for another whole year to have their sins forgiven. Over 2000 years ago Jesus changed this pattern. He became the final High Priest by shedding His blood, not that of goats and lambs, to atone for our sins once and for all.

At the moment of Jesus’ death the veil (very thick curtain) that separated the inner sanctuary (Holy of holies) from the rest of the temple was split from the top to the bottom.  This signified that there is no further separation between us and God. We no longer need to rely on a high priest to make a once a year atonement for our sins.  Jesus paid for our sins in the past, present and future.  All we need to do is to confess what we have done wrong to God and He immediately not only forgives us but He completely forgets about it.

Satan can no longer accuse us or condemn us. You and I are free to move on with our lives not stay stuck in the past.  Accept this freedom that Christ gave to us. Just as God through Jesus Christ has forgiven us, do likewise to that person who may have caused you wrong. Is it your child, your spouse or a friend? Won’t you make it happen for them today?

In His Service,
