Friday, October 17, 2014

Put God in the Mix

It's another Friday evening and it is with great pleasure that I share with you some words of encouragement and hope. I hope that you had a good week in spite of all that we are hearing in the news about the Ebola virus.
I find it so ironic that with all the safeguard in place the Ebola virus is here in this country. What is this saying? We can never be completely self reliant. We use our knowledge and skills, cross every "T" and dot every "I", but can most time miss our target. For this reason with everything that I do I have a safety net-God.
  Here is a verse that I would like to share with you this evening:
Proverbs 3: 6-In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct[a] your paths.
 In this verse Solomon is saying that we should seek God's guidance in everything that we do, big or small, easy or difficult. When we do this we will always be on target because we have a pilot at the wheel directing our route. What are your plans for your life? What plans do you have in place for your children, your career, your marriage, your retirement? Have you consulted God on the matter? If you have not I would run it by Him right now. It does not mean that everything will go smoothly, but does mean that with God's direction you will get to your destination.
 In His service,

Friday, October 3, 2014

OOPS....It's on purpose

I trust that you and your family have been doing well. My family and I have been doing well and continue to trust God for complete psychological and emotional healing. In order to achieve our goal we realize that we cannot just sit back and wait for it to happen by accident but have to deliberately put some things in place. As a matter of fact doing things on purpose should be the norm, not the exception..

   If we look at the life of Jesus Christ we see a great example of this. Everything that Jesus did involved steps for a single purpose and that was to redeem us from Satan and eventually for us to be with Him forever.  

  Here are some things that I want you to do on purpose starting today:

Purposely thank God for all that He has done and is doing for you and your family

Purposely give God Adoration and Praise

Purposely thank God for your children

Purposely hug your child or children and your spouse and tell them you love them

Purposely thank God for your trials and tribulations

Purposely speak life, not death into your life and the life of your family and everyone that you meet

Purposely love, especially the unlovable

Purposely be kind

Purposely give a smile

 , Remember if you are waiting for the perfect time when you feel on top of the world you may be waiting forever.

 In His service,

