Monday, December 21, 2015

Make it happen Monday

In Mathew 19:16-22 we read the story of a rich young ruler who went to Jesus to ask what he should do to inherit Eternal life. As the conversation continues with Jesus we find that this young man was living an upright life, and had kept the law from a young child.

He was very pleased with himself and must have smiled thinking t “surely I have this all together”. Jesus however, surprised him by telling him that he was lacking something. Jesus told him "If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow Me.

Unfortunately this young man became sad and walked away from the opportunity of having eternal life. His love for God somehow did not translate to having love for others. I often marvel at this young man - he was willing to lose his soul rather than share his earthly treasure.

This rich young man could have made it happen for him- “Eternal life” He could also have made it happen for a lot of needy people by giving them some money from the sale of his vast possessions.

What can you do today to make some other person’s day? As you make your last- minute shopping and wrapping of gifts, think of someone in your neighborhood, your church or work that you can buy a gift for. Let us spread our love a little further than our homes this Christmas.

In His Service,


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