Tuesday, November 8, 2016

History in the Making

Today America poises on the brink of making history in the world.

By the end of the day we will have chosen either a business man or a woman to be the next president of the United States. For some there is a sense of excitement, for some anxiety, some indecision and yet for others confusion about today. However there is still for some of us a sense of relief that this fighting and name-calling, and bitterness is coming to the end- or is it?

I love my country and I do participate in the electoral process, but I do not rely on any political party or person to be the savior of America. I totally rely on God, who can never be outvoted, cast out or however one tries cannot be pushed to the side.

As I vote- my prayer will be "God have your way" My prayer is that God will choose the person he can best use to make a difference in this country. I thank God that unlike men who look at the outward appearance that He looks at the heart. I am grateful that God is never swayed by words but by the heart. I am so grateful that God knows the future and also knows who is best suited to be the "Joshua" for the next phase of our Journey.

Please make sure that you go out and vote as every vote counts and in a very small way you are making a difference and whatever the outcome- I know God will get the Glory.

In His Service,


Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Cubs did it, so will you!

This has been such an exciting world series- The Cleveland Indians and the Chicago cubs. Finally after 108 years the Cubs were able to break loose from their period of drought. So many fans went to their graves during this season of drought not ever seeing their team going to much less winning a world series. Congratulations Chicago!!

As I reflect on this world- series, I am reminded of the fact that God never forgets about us. It may seem as if it is taking Him a very long time to make His move, but we can be certain that in His own time He will come through. I think about the children of Israel who were in captivity in Egypt they cried out to the Lord for deliverance daily, but it took God 400 years before He sent them a deliverer.

What do you do when it seem as if your prayers are not been heard? Well like the Children of Israel, you keep praying, you keep working and keep trusting. Like the Chicago cubs you keep playing, recruiting, trading and playing some more. The children of Israel, could settle in Egypt, all the original inhabitants had all died, and those who were there at the time only knew a life of slavery and hence could have been comfortable in just settling. I also know that they were taught about what God promised to Abraham and believed and kept praying knowing that God would one day take them to the promise land. The Chicago cubs could have given up, they could have dissolved the team, but they kept going, knowing that they would eventually be victorious.

Here is my advice to you, do not give up on God, whatever He has promised to you and your family it will come to pass. While you wait keep trusting, and keep doing your part and remember that God does things in His own time.

In His Service,


Monday, October 24, 2016

Resisting Gossip

Gossip can be juicy and mouthwatering especially when you are not the one being gossiped about. Refusing to listen to gossip is very difficult as it is refusing your favorite meal. If we take one bite of either we find ourselves craving more.

 Proverbs 18:8 says this- Rumors are dainty morsels that sink deep into one's heart (NLT).

 The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly (KJV).

 Most time when someone brings you news it is usually misrepresented, colored and packaged in such a way as to break-up relationships and stir up trouble. As a child growing up, I was always told that any dog that takes you a bone- will take one from you. In translation what my parents were saying - when people bring you news beware they will go back with anything you have contributed to the conversation. As the verse says the words of a talebearer wounds deeply the person being talked about, their reputation, and their integrity.

 As a person who is serious about their diet is able to resist food that is fattening or unhealthy, so we should resist rumors. If you do not nibble on the first bite you can’t take the second and the third bite.
In His Service,


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Stay in the Game

I have grown to love sports.  As a matter of fact I did not have much choice as my husband is and my son was a sports fanatic and when they held that remote it was programmed to only go to the sports stations (LOL).  In the long run I got sucked into just watching and enjoying sports.  One of the things that I always marvel at is regardless of how a player appeared to have been hurt they wanted to stay in the game.  If they had to be taken out before you know it they wanted to return, because they were not satisfied to stay on the sidelines.  They were passionate about their game.

 Most of us are involved in our own game- “life.”  As we make our plays we sometimes get hurt.  Sometimes it’s just a bruise or a sprain, sometimes we get fractured and other times we even get critically injured.  We have the choice to sit on the sidelines and watch the game go on without us or we can get our wounds taken care of and get back into the game.

In the bible, we see examples of many athletes who became injured as they ran their race, but instead of stopping and sitting on the sidelines they stayed in the race to the end.  Joseph was sold into slavery, Ruth lost her husband, Naomi lost her husband and her sons, Job lost all his children and his wealth, Paul was placed in prison, Jesus Christ was tried and eventually crucified but they all stayed in the race and because of their determination they made a difference in the world.  You can read their stories in the bible. 

I was one of those athletes who got severely injured as I ran my race; I stopped to get treated and I really wanted to just stay out of game and sit on the sidelines.  I didn’t want to take the chance of another injury.  However I realized if I stayed on the sidelines I would not finish and win my race so I went back into the race.

I understand that staying in the race is not easy, but because of my passion I keep going.  I realize that other people are depending on me to hear the good news of salvation.  I realize that there are people around me who are still in captivity and need to be loosed, who are still prisoners and need to be set free, who are still blind need their sight, and there are still those who are mourning and need comfort.  I am charged with the task to let them know that there is hope, because Jesus Christ has already done for them the very things they are looking for.  I keep going because no one else can run my race and complete my task.

Today I want to encourage you to stay in your race.  Do not sit any longer on the side line.  You have a job to do.  You may have been hurt because of betrayal, disappointments, an illness, the death of a loved one, a miscarriage, the loss of your home or job.  I do understand that the pain of your injury is real, but please allow God to treat you and “get right back in the race.”  The longer you stay out, the more out of shape you become, and the more difficult will be your journey.  Somebody is depending on you.  It may be your children, spouse, neighbor, a friend, or a relative.  You have the key to their prison door and if you sit on the sideline you won’t get to them.  Don’t leave them stranded, which you will, if you are content to stay on the sideline rather than get back in the race.


In His service,


Friday, July 15, 2016

The face of Evil

Over the last couple of years I have seen evil raise its ugly head more and more both nationally as well as internationally. In the last month alone evil seems to be mocking us with a “catch me if you can attitude”

 The face of evil was seen in Orlando, Florida; in St Paul, Minnesota; in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; in Dallas Texas and as of yesterday in Nice, France. This list is by no means exhaustive, as there are daily display of evil in many of our cities and states that do not get national attention. The effects are devastating as it impacts so many lives directly and indirectly.

The bible tells us that in the last days “perilous times” will come - 2Timothy 3:1. However, I don’t want us to stop there, instead I want us to read about something else that will happen in the last days. In Joel 2:28-29 and in Acts 2:17 we see that God will “pour out His Spirit on all Flesh”, our young men will see visions and our old men will dream dreams.

We can counteract evil with good, let’s pray diligently for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all flesh. Let’s pray for a revival in our hearts, in our homes, our communities, our churches, and at our work places. Let’s genuinely invite God back in our affairs. Do not stop praying when it seems everything has quieted in the news. Do not let down your guard, Satan doesn’t. We must be persistent. If all God’s light and salt in the earth decide to savor and give light- darkness (evil) cannot stand, it cannot comprehend what it sees.  I beseech you to set some time aside daily to pray and keep calling out to God for a change in our land.

In His Service,


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Making the choice to forgive

This post is not new it was originally posted April 20, 2013 on my face book page, but I am lead to repost. Not a bad thing because most times we forget what we saw 3 days ago, how much more 3 years ago. In addition I have new friends, why rob them? Lol!

Most of us are able to recite the model prayer found in Mathew 6: 9-13, but how many of us really internalize and meditate on the meaning of those words. Sometimes we get so familiar with something or someone that we take it or them for granted. We fail to pay much attention to details and can really miss some important facts.

I would like to point out 2 very important verses, one being verse 12 "And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors" What am I really saying when I horridly mumble these words? I am interpreting this as asking God to forgive us of our debts/trespasses/transgressions/sins as we forgive those who have transgressed or wronged us. Forgive us in a similar fashion as how we forgive- oops, really?

However, in practicality what we may be saying is- Lord I refuse to forgive Sally who talked about me 2 years ago, I refuse to forgive, my ex-husband for leaving me, my child for breaking that priceless piece of china, or my boss for passing me over for that promotion, and so Lord I expect the same treatment from you.

 Another practical interpretation could be- Lord it was so hard to forgive all these people who over the years have wronged me, but it was not worth holding on to un-forgiveness so with your help forgive them and I know you will do the same for me as well for my many mistakes and wrong doing. 

The second important fact that I want to draw to our attention is not even within the verses of the model prayer, but the verse that comes after (14): For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

Being reminded of this I make a conscious choice on a daily basis to ask the Holy Spirit for strength to forgive everyone and every wrong even when it hurts a lot.  I realize that in my flesh I would prefer to choose who and what to forgive and when I forgive them, and so I look to God for the strength to make the right choice and forgive. 

So the next time you say the model – prayer please pay attention to the details.

In His Service,


Saturday, July 9, 2016

Salt and Life- Part 2

I did promise to post this yesterday as a conclusion to my 2-part series on "Salt and Light", but with all that has taken place since my first post I decided to wait and spend the time in prayer for our nation. As I prayed I realize that more so we need to remember that we are called to be light in this world, the light in dark places.

Today is a moment of darkness in our country and there are people looking for the light to lead them to a safe place as they stumble around, as you read this piece I pray that you will remove your "bushel" and blow your cover, so others will see your light and find hope.

      light is not simply to allow others to see whatever they wish but it is for others to witness the acts of justice that Jesus' followers perform.  Beyond that, it allows the audience to recognize the cause of these actions, the God of heaven. 

Neither salt nor light exists for themselves. They only fulfill their purpose when used, poured out.

The “bushel” Jesus mentions here is not a unit of measurement, rather, Jesus refers to a vessel big enough to cover a lamp. He describes a light not snuffed out but covered up. The light is not extinguished. It is rendered ineffective.

 This morning let’s think about the bushels that cover your ministry’s light. What are they? Maybe the bushel is an inferiority complex, a lack of confidence that comes from comparing ourselves to others ministry. Or perhaps the bushel is self-absorption, all about three people- me myself and I- that is a bushel that prevents our light from shining.

Perhaps the bushel is a fantasy in our head. Jesus gives the central insight that lights don’t magically end up underneath bushels. The only way for our light to be covered is if we put a bushel over it. “No one after lighting a lamp puts it under a bushel” (verse 15). We are not victims inevitably doomed to being distracted and drained by the bushels of inferiority or self-absorption or fantasy. Bushels can only block out the light when we put them there.

Unfortunately, for some of us and for some of our churches our bushels become our very identity. Not only do we put the bushels over our light, we cling to them for dear life, unwilling to let them go. This light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1:4-5). So “let your light shine before others” (verse 16).

 In His Service,

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Salt and light

At the church that I attend- we have been talking a lot about us being the “salt and Light” that Jesus calls us to be.  We find this reference in Mathew 5: 13-16. If you are able to read the entire chapter that would be good but if not just read those few verses and allow God to minister to you.

Let me share with you a few thoughts on the subject. I will do this in 2 parts today and tomorrow. Today I will concentrate on salt and tomorrow I will expound on light.

In this passage Mathew 5:13-16, Jesus is talking about a life that makes a difference for others in the world. Jesus uses simple everyday things so that those he taught could relate to what he was saying. I just love that about Him.

Salt is a very common element it is in every home, however it’s only valuable when it is applied on other things.  Sitting on the shelf or the table renders it useless. In other words salt exist for other things not for itself.

As the followers of Jesus we are called to exist for others. We are called to add flavor to tasteless situations and circumstances. If we refuse to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, to bring hope to those who are hopeless and to bring comfort to those in distress, then we are “good for nothing” except to be discarded.

If you leave salt sitting on the counter for a while it starts to get moist and then it becomes brown around the edges, it becomes unattractive. Nobody wants to use it and it gets thrown out. What a waste!

Examine yourself and your activities at home, work, in the grocery store, the shopping mall or in a conversation with your neighbor- are you adding value? Do your words bring hope, joy and peace or do they create helplessness, sadness or confusion? You decide!

In His Service,


Thursday, June 30, 2016

Our Father which art in Heaven

Have you ever been out somewhere and hear somebody say, Mom and whether you had your child with you are not, or whether the voice you heard sounds like your child, you automatically turn your head to the sound.  It is a case of “I can’t help it” Something within you is stirred making you wanting to respond to that privileged title.  On the other hand that child who called knows they are calling not every mother but just to one particular mother – theirs.

When we pray the bible teaches us in the model prayer to start out by acknowledging who we are talking to -“our father”.  This shows a relationship with the person, whose attention you are trying to get.  We are relating to Him as a loving, caring and compassionate parent, not as a Judge of what we have done wrong.  We are also acknowledging the position of a child- His child. Other fathers may turn their head, but will quickly realize which father you are calling.

 Father is also that privileged title that demonstrates a privileged relationship with a person.  If we can respond the way we do when we hear the word mom or dad, how do you think God will respond to us when we call to Him?  Here is what I think- I believe His ears perk up and his attitude is one of attention and readiness, waiting to hear what we want.  I do believe His bowels of compassion, grace and Mercy are put in motion ready at a moment’s notice.

The remainder of this phrase “which art in Heaven” further identifies the person we are calling out to.  It says to others that although He is a loving Father He is also a Holy God.  The next time your hear mom or dad- think of that relationship you also have with your father in Heaven.

In His Service,


Monday, June 27, 2016

God has no grandchildren

We are all God’s creation.  As much as we like to boast on our natural born children as "our production", we were really only the vessel that God used to house them. Yes we do have a part to play, but the ultimate knitting together of every muscle, sinew, bone and ultimate breath is through God’s intervention.

Unfortunately although we are all God’s creation, we are not all His children. This is a very hard thing to accept by many, but as is with “truth” it is not always pleasant to our ears. To become one of His children we must be born again, that is accept Jesus as our Savior.  This means that our wonderful, beautiful children also need to go through the same process to also become children of God.  There is no exception.  They do not automatically become a grandchild because we their parents are children of God.  God has no grandchildren. 

As parents we leave a will with an inheritance for our children, guess what, and so does our father- God.  He has left a ton of inheritance for all His children, known to us as blessings.  God's will cannot be contested in the courts as we know can happen with some earthly wills.  The other good news is that the inheritance will never run out. Every child is entitled to every one of the blessings God has left in His will for them. No one child regardless of age, race, status or educational background is entitled to a bigger portion than the next child.

Do you want your children to become eligible for this inheritance?  Well then let us start by praying for our unsaved children’s salvation which is the gateway to this inheritance.

 Today I want us to pray for the Salvation of our children and that they will not be hindered from coming to Him.  Matthew 19:13–15 tells us: Children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray.  The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”  And he laid his hands on them and blessed them.

In His Service,


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Thursday 's devotion


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thursday's devotion-Psalm 23


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Psalm 1


Monday, May 30, 2016

Today's devotion


Monday, May 23, 2016

Monday's meditation


Monday, May 16, 2016

First 15 minutes- morning meditation


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thursday's morning meditation


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A mother's morning prayer

Before I pack my children's lunches for school or put the clothes to wash or even before I take a bath or lay out my clothes that I plan to wear to work, Father my desire is to spend a few minutes to just say thank you and sit quietly in your presence as you speak to me.

First I thank you for waking me up and that my mind is functioning well. God I thank you that I am able to move my limbs unaided. I thank you for blessing me with these children that I sometimes take for granted, not recognizing what an awesome gift they are from you.

 My vision is limited to the things that I am able to see but you are Omnipresent. My mind is limited to the amount of things that I Know and understand, but God you are Omniscient.  I realize that my authority and power fluctuates according to where I am and who I am around, but God you are Omnipotent.  So I now commit the remainder of my day in your hand, I commit my children here at home or away into your hand. I commit my job or the job that you are providing for me into your hands.

 I command every anxiety and worry to leave my mind knowing that you are more than capable to keep safely everything that I have committed into your hands. My day is blessed, my children are blessed, my spouse is blessed, and every person that comes into my presence today will be blessed because you are with me everywhere I go.

In His Service,


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Periscope 5/10/16


Setting the tone for your day

What kind of day are you looking to have?  As human beings we all want our day to be a great day. However we play a part in making sure that this happens.

Do not leave your day to chance, do not allow others to dictate the day you will have. Instead you make a conscious effort to "take charge" of your day. It's your day given to you by God- make it count.

You cannot retrieve "your today" tomorrow- neither could you have borrowed from "your today" yesterday.  Today is just for today- make the most of it. Go ahead set the tone for the day you want.

One way you can set the tone of your day is to pause at the beginning and speak with the one who gave it to you.  Spend a little time with Him and learn some things. You spend as little as 15 minutes in His presence- longer if you chose.

You will be surprised how 15 minutes with the Lord can dramatically change your day. It's not about how long but rather how well you use the time you spend with Him.

Doing so by your self is wonderful, but joining with others is even better. Please Join me every morning Monday- Friday, from 6am-6:15am for morning meditation and prayer. 

You can find me on periscope @MPUSH810 - feel free to also share this opportunity with your followers and friends.

God Bless,


Update- It's that time again

Monday, February 1, 2016

Weep no more

If we take the time to study the word of God we can find so much comfort and reassurance. Here is a passage of scripture that I think will be reassuring to most mothers.

Jeremiah 31:16-17.

This is what the LORD says: “Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for your work will be rewarded,” declares the LORD. “They will return from the land of the enemy. So there is hope for your descendants,” declares the LORD. “Your children will return to their own land.

This is so fantastic! Are you weeping over your children’s choices at the moment? God is saying that your work – (raising your children,) will not be in vain, you will be rewarded. God is not saying that your children “may” come back but “shall” come back from the land of the enemy.

He continues to reassure us that there is hope that your children and their children will return to their own border (place of peace and safety and well-being).

So dry your tears and stop focusing on how bad it may be now, instead look to what God has promised in His word. Don’t worry how He is going to do it, just believe that He is going to bring them back.

The power of God is greater than that of their enemies. So lets us start to give Him some Praise- THEY ARE COMING BACK!!!!!

In His Service,


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Spiritual Fast

Many of us welcome the month of January to shed the many pounds that we accumulated over thanksgiving and Christmas. Some of us join the local gym and work out, and many will participate in various types of "Fasts" depending on how quickly they want to shed those pounds.

  Many Christians individually or collectively with their churches also participate in a Spiritual fast at the start of the New Year. For many of us it is the 21-day Daniel Fast.  

There are approximately 99 verses in the bible that refer to "Fasting" and hence it must be of great importance.  Although God commanded fasting by the Israelites in the Old Testament, we do not see Him commanding fasting in the New Testament or as a matter of fact forbidding it. Many early Christians did however practice fasting and prayer as a part of their spiritual lives and so should we. Having said this we should not participate in a Fast just to say we did a fast, but we should do so with a purpose of gaining spiritual strength, a deeper understanding of God and a closer relationship with Him. Sometimes we need clarity from God concerning our next steps, sometimes we need a breakthrough concerning situations in our lives (our health, issues with our children, our marriages or our career).

When we fast it is not about the length of time fasting but it is the effectiveness of it. Although fasting is generally abstaining from food, you can also fast from other things that will require some sacrifice such as watching television.  If you have never fasted before and want to try it, you should start with a partial fast- such as abstaining for a few hours each day and not an entire day at once.


 In His Service,
