Monday, June 27, 2016

God has no grandchildren

We are all God’s creation.  As much as we like to boast on our natural born children as "our production", we were really only the vessel that God used to house them. Yes we do have a part to play, but the ultimate knitting together of every muscle, sinew, bone and ultimate breath is through God’s intervention.

Unfortunately although we are all God’s creation, we are not all His children. This is a very hard thing to accept by many, but as is with “truth” it is not always pleasant to our ears. To become one of His children we must be born again, that is accept Jesus as our Savior.  This means that our wonderful, beautiful children also need to go through the same process to also become children of God.  There is no exception.  They do not automatically become a grandchild because we their parents are children of God.  God has no grandchildren. 

As parents we leave a will with an inheritance for our children, guess what, and so does our father- God.  He has left a ton of inheritance for all His children, known to us as blessings.  God's will cannot be contested in the courts as we know can happen with some earthly wills.  The other good news is that the inheritance will never run out. Every child is entitled to every one of the blessings God has left in His will for them. No one child regardless of age, race, status or educational background is entitled to a bigger portion than the next child.

Do you want your children to become eligible for this inheritance?  Well then let us start by praying for our unsaved children’s salvation which is the gateway to this inheritance.

 Today I want us to pray for the Salvation of our children and that they will not be hindered from coming to Him.  Matthew 19:13–15 tells us: Children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray.  The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”  And he laid his hands on them and blessed them.

In His Service,


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