Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Nothing new under the sun

In Ecclesiastes 1:9 we find these words: What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun (NIV).

If you really thing about it this is so true. Sometimes our children will try to pull a fast one on us, not realizing that we also tried to pull the same thing with our parents. There are things that our children are doing now, that we may not have done, but when their children come of age, they will more than likely try those same things.

 One thing that I also realize is not new is journaling. Nowadays we are advised to write our thoughts down, to keep a journal, (we called it diary in my days). This is something I know Oprah pushed a lot when she was doing her talk show.

As I think about it, nobody can beat the Psalmist David with Journaling. As I read the psalms I can actually feel David's heart. Every emotion that he felt he wrote it down, anger, disappointment, tiredness, joy, adoration he just expressed himself. As I read especially the psalms written by David, I take much comfort, realizing that David was just an ordinary person, with faults, but also a lover of Jesus.

As I read the psalms I find comfort in many of them, I feel encouraged and hopeful to know that even when I mess up and do not do things as God wants it, He still forgives and loves me. I also learn that I should always repent of my sins and call things out as they are, and not sweep them under a rug.

Two of these Psalms 42 and 51 are two great examples that you should try to read when you get the chance. In Psalm 42 for example, David expresses his longing and thirsting for God, he talks about him not worshipping as he used to and how disgruntled he was, then he just stopped himself as if he had a reality check and told himself to put his trust in God, instead of complaining. In Psalm 51, he just poured his heart out to the Lord in a confession of his sin and asking God for forgiveness and to purge him until he was clean.

There is nothing new under the sun. So, whatever you may be struggling with, someone else has been there, and done that. If they came through, so will you. Open your heart and tell God what you are feeling. Ii is ok to show your emotions. If you mess up admit it to God, tell Him you are sorry, He won't hold it against you.

In His Service,


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