Friday, December 28, 2012

A New Beginning

I hope you had a great Christmas.  What do you know this is the last Friday in the month of December in the year 2012. This year has certainly gone by very quickly. How was 2012 for you?  Some of us started out 2012 with a lot of plans and dreams which somehow never materialized. Some of us made a lot of mistakes and bad decisions in 2012. Some of us may have gotten promoted, or demoted or lost jobs. Some may have gotten married or divorced or found that person of your dreams that you are now dating. Well I must say that this was an extremely difficult and challenging year for me and my family.  I felt like everything that could possibly happen came at us- the worst being the loss of my 28 year old son. Although bruised and battered and not understanding a lot of what has happened, I am still thanking God for His goodness and His faithfulness.  I know that because of His incredible love for me He will turn to good what was meant for bad. However, in whatever state we find ourselves, 2013 is looming around the corner and ready or not it will be here in a few days.  A new year heralds a new beginning; it signifies a second chance at our goals, dreams and aspirations.  Let's move forward! We can't undo what has been done in 2012 we have to now pick up the pieces and try to make our picture from a different angle. For those who had a good year, you also have a chance to make it even better.

 Here are a few suggestions for 2013:
Let us start by celebrating the New Year with thanking God in spite of what was.

Let us endeavor for a closer walk with God by praying more and reading the Word more.

Let us walk more in love and forgiveness, kindness and patience.

Let us not live with regrets; “I should”, or “I wish I could”.  Instead let us resolve with, “I know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Phil 4:13.

Let us endeavor to enjoy our everyday life on purpose

Don't procrastinate in doing what God has called you to do.

In His Service,


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