Friday, January 4, 2013

Take the Trade Off

 I trust the New Year found you in great health and with a new determination to positively impact those you will come in contact with. I hope you have being praying for our children in the Caribbean countries, if not you can start now and continue to Sunday the 6th.  For those of you who are in or near Delaware please try to come out to our kick off meeting for the New Year. Come out and hear how you can “Reclaim your temple to claim your territory” (Spiritual, physical, psychological). This is an event you do not want to miss.
Here is what I would like to share with you this weekend.  As you continue into 2013 know that God wants to trade your cares, problems, mistakes, inadequacies and failures for His joy and peace. Most of us tend to miss or refuse this great offer and find ourselves in a constant struggle to find peace or joy in our everyday life. It is a natural tendency for us to worry and get anxious especially when things are not going the way we anticipated. We tend to believe that we are able to fix everything that is wrong in our homes, with our spouses or significant others and with our children. It is Ok to admit that we need help especially from someone who is more capable that we are.

 I Peter 5: 7 tell us this - Casting all your care upon him; for He careth for you. Psalm 55:22 Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.
God will give us Peace but we must first give Him our anxieties. When I look at the word cast, I think of just throwing something down or away, not neatly packing and putting to the side. When faced with things and situations that make us anxious do not try to put it in a neat package, instead just throw it to God, He can deal with it in the order He wants to.

 Mothers this is an excellent trade off – Peace and Joy for anxieties, cares and concerns. I would certainly choose the former, what about you?

In His Service,


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