I hope you are all
doing well and keeping warm especially over these last few very cold days. For those
of you in Florida, and Jamaica, how about bottling up some of that sunshine and
sending it our way? If you prefer we could make an exchange snow for some sunshine
going once, twice, gone!
Let me pause here to
give a very special welcome to those mothers who recently became a part of
MPUSH (Mothers
I hope you will be blessed and empowered as you receive my weekly e-mails.
For this week I would
like to share a verse from I Cor. 6:12 "Everything
is permissible for me"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything
is permissible for me"--but I will not be mastered by anything.
Although Paul was
speaking to the Corinthians concerning sexual immorality, I do believe that this
verse can be applied in general to us today. Paul in this verse is basically
saying that what is permitted is not our only guide for our behavior. In other
words there are limitations to our liberty. I may not get arrested for not
wearing a helmet when I ride a bike or if I do not wear my seat belt, but are
these behaviors beneficial especially if I get involved in an accident. You may
have the resources to buy your children everything they ask you for but is this
beneficial to them? What happens if one
day somebody says no to them? We cannot allow ourselves to be overpowered by
our freedom that we make unhealthy choices in life. Food is necessary for our physical
growth, but it does not mean that I eat everything that I see whether it is
healthy or not. Mothers we have the
ability to make choices on how we raise our children. We can choose to do what
is popular or we can use restraints and raise them according to the word of
How do we judge what is
beneficial for us or our children? As we make daily decisions in life we need
to consider the impact they will have on us or on our children. How does it
affect my relationship with God? How will this impede my race? If you are
unable to show a positive impact, I suggest we reconsider.
Please continue to pray
for our children in the various continents, tomorrow we conclude praying for
children in Europe and we start on Sunday to pray for children on the continent
of North America. Do not forget that our next meeting will be on Saturday
February 2nd at 4pm. We will meet at 920 Morningdale Dr. Wilmington,
In His Service,