Friday, November 8, 2013

Praying for our Children's Salvation

I hope that you and your family are in good health. After all that is what God wants for us to be in good health and to prosper as our soul prospers (3John: 2). The question then becomes how healthy do you want to be? Well this is something that together we can perhaps work at achieving.
For this week I would like to once again focus on us praying for any unsaved family members especially our children. As I have mentioned before, this is something we must do continuously. Just as we make every effort to provide for them and to make sure that they receive a good education, we also need to make sure that they have the opportunity to know who Jesus is and what He has done for them. I am not suggesting a sermon, but find a way to introduce Him in your everyday conversation.  Jesus taught his disciples and others by using parables depicting things they were familiar with. Let us learn from this, we can use nature such as the weather, the trees, the birds, or even a butterfly. You can do it.
 Our children's success and education is only useful while on earth, lets prepare them for the long haul.
In His Service,

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