Sunday, November 24, 2013

You are known by your conduct

This week has gone by so quickly I hope it was a very productive one for you.

What impact did you have at your job, within your family or your neighborhood this week? Don't get too frustrated if you cannot think of what that was.

As much as we would like to think of ourselves as being quiet and unassuming, we really do not go through life un-noticed. We are always making an impact, leaving an impression. The question is what kind of an impact or impression are we making? Many times we are not aware of the many lives we touch on a daily basis.   

 This reminds me of Proverbs 20:11-Even a child makes himself known by his acts, by whether his conduct is pure and upright.

 As I think about this verse I am keenly aware of my conduct or things I do around my family, my co-workers and my neighbors. I realize that someone is watching and patterning my every move. Our children take note of how we raise them, how we deal with crisis, how we speak to them, how well we listen, how we speak to their fathers, how we treat our neighbors and what we say about others when they are not around.

My encouragement to us his weekend it is to be mindful of how we make ourselves known to others.


  In His Service,


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