Friday, August 8, 2014

Our Gifts-our Children

I hope you are in good health and that you had a great week. I know most times we identify "great" as something earth shattering, however it could be something simple as being able to move around unaided, or as simple as knowing where your children are. 

     For this week I would like to remind you of one of the key messages of this ministry- "children are gifts on loan from God" I feel compelled to constantly remind us because we tend to forget especially when or relationship with them becomes rocky. We need to be reminded as well when we see them as our own to do what and how we want with them. Be reminded keeps things always in perspective, knowing that we will need to give an account for the way in which we handled these gifts. Being reminded keeps us humble knowing how privileged we are to be chosen as caretaker of these precious gifts. God does not give us garbage, He gives us the best.
 Today let us thank God for our gifts and not spend time comparing them with someone else's gift. Every gift is unique and was created with you in mind. Pray for wisdom in understanding who to correctly care for and utilize these precious gifts so that God is honored and gets all the Glory. Let us see them as in the image of God and not just as an image of you and or their earthly father. Not only are they created in God's image but they also possess some of His characteristics. Your job is to help bring these out of them to be displayed for the world to see.
Please continue to pray for the various cities- see August Calendar . Let us also remember to pray for those people in West Africa- affected by the Ebola virus- Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria in particular
 In His Service,

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