Friday, November 14, 2014

God's name can never be erased.

What a reassurance to know that our God is always in control. He does not get concerned about the various methods that mere mortal men have tried to keep him in a box. He knows that His position can never be usurped and He will never abdicate it.

 As much as we know this, we tend to get concerned when He seems to be too quiet. There are times when certain things happen we tend to question how did that one slip by Him? There are times when it appears that the wicked are prospering while the righteous appears to suffer, So many times we see one nation overpowering the next and it appears that God is nowhere to be found. I have learned that these are times when we must go on what we know about God and not on the appearance of things.

Earlier this week someone shared with me about her husband a football coach, receiving an e-mail from ACLU telling him that he could not participate in prayer with his students. He was also told that he should be a certain number of feet from the students when they prayed. Just  prior to this incident it was on the news where another football coach was disciplined and also told that he could not join the circle if his football players chose to pray before their games. In addition 2 school districts in Maryland decided that their students would now have winter and spring break instead of Christmas break or Easter break. This is truly amazing as we can clearly see what is happening in schools and with our children with them trying to remove the name of Jesus/God from schools.

  Do you realize that try as we may we cannot erase the name of the Lord? Did you know that no one else can take His place even if to some of us He does not seem to be functioning the way we think He should?  Here is a great passage that was shared at our time of prayer at my church - Isaiah 40:12-18 -This passage has certainly put things into perspectives, please take a minute to read it.

God is so big that he measures the seas by holding them in the palm of his hand
Do not get anxious. God is still in control and we will never be able to erase His name. Try not to get trapped in going along with the status quo, but keep saying Christmas and Easter holidays and teach your children why it is important.
Have a great Thanksgiving and remember to extend the generosity beyond your immediate family
In His service,



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