Friday, January 23, 2015

Finding the Hidden Treasures within

As I constantly remind you- our children are gifts on loan from God. Did you know that within each of these gifts are hidden treasures?  The term treasure is used for something that is precious, a prize, something to be cherished, a star. Deep within our children are some precious and cherished qualities and treasures of invention, songwriting, art, entrepreneurship, politics, teaching and athletics to name a few.

I know this because God made the plans for each of our children’s lives before He ever created them (Jeremiah 29:11).  As mothers our job is to help unearth these treasures for the world to see and for God to be glorified.  We can start by affirming who our children are-fearfully and wonderfully made lacking nothing, royalty and set apart. This affirmation gives them an advantage and confidence to help them move to the next stage of never settling for second best, or almost made it, or not quite there.

Keep in mind that in finding hidden treasures you will have to dig deep. Digging can be hard work and tiring, but after you have found that treasure you know it was well worth it. Do not give up now. Continue to correct, teach, pray, love, forgive: when you see that diamond it will be well worth it.


In His Service,


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