Saturday, January 10, 2015


Happy New Year again to you and your family. I wish that every blessing God has ordained for you in 2015 will come to fruition each one at its appointed time.
As an update, God has given me some specific goals for the ministry in 2015. In order to achieve these goals I will need to do a restructuring of the ministry.  The ministry for 2015 will communicate mostly through face book and through the MPUSH website. 
If you need special prayer or know of a mother who need special prayer MPUSH has a dedicated contact number: 541-28MPUSH (541-286-7874)
 Feel free to contact me.
 Our monthly prayer will continue on the 2nd Monday each month at 8pm
Call in info:  (712) 432-1500  CC:464397#
 In His Service,

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