Friday, February 27, 2015

T.G.I.F (Trusting God in Full)

I have a job, my marriage is great, I am in good health, my children are doing well, life is good and I feel on top of the world. God you are amazing and this is why I love and trust you. That's a good thing, however here is something that I have learned over the years.
When we find ourselves in the scenario mentioned above, it takes very little effort and faith to brag on God and to put our trust in Him.

The challenge comes when the job is uncertain, the spouse is acting somewhat off balance, there are health challenges, and the children are acting up and life seems overwhelming. It's no longer God I trust you, but God let me do this my way because I would do a better job. Sometimes we will allow God to handle a few things while we control the more important ones. God I will let you deal with the health and the children, I will control the marriage and the job.

Unfortunately with God it is all or nothing. We must completely trust His judgment in every aspect of our life. We must trust His judgment when things are going well and also when things are not going well. Learn not to jus thank Him because it is Friday, but learn to trust God in Full!

In His Service,


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Keeping in touch

How has your year been going so far? Considering it is only 5 weeks old, you are probably saying not too much has happened yet. Or maybe you have started to reap your harvest. 
I have learned that we can see our situation through the eyes of the pessimist who sees the glass as half empty or we can see it through the eyes of the optimist who sees the glass as being half-full. The situation is the same for both but each choose to see their situation from two completely different angles.
Regardless of what may be happening around me I choose for 2015 to speak things that are encouraging and uplifting. I choose to speak life to every dying or dead situation. I choose to see obstacles that may come up along my journey as simply stepping stones to my destiny.
For 2015 I will not dwell on my past wilderness experiences, but will remember the many oases that I found during my wilderness experiences. My harvest is ready and I will not allow my crop to go to waste, I will reap it all. How about you?
 In His Service,