Friday, October 2, 2015

Get busy training

I hope all is well with you and your family. Can you imagine it is already October? The year seems to have gone by so quickly, before you know it will be Thanksgiving and then Christmas.
I hope that you have made some significant strides in the plans you had for 2015. What about the plans you had to invest in more meaningful time with your children? 
According to proverbs 22:6, as a parent, we are required to "train up" our children. The question is how do we train them and in what do we train them?
The word train means to coach, prepare or grow in a direct manner with a clear and achievable outcome. The definition further states that a person can also train or coach another person to acquire more skills or to improve existing ones.
As I reflect on this definition, I realize that training takes time, effort and more than likely will require some patience- as some people can be a bit slow to "get it".
When we train up our children we are helping them to avoid pitfalls in life and are preparing them for what they were designed by God for. We are training them as you would train soldiers. Soldiers go through a period of training where they are taught how to be on the alert for the enemy, how to correctly carry and handle weapons and how to obey command.
This verse further reminds us that we must train them not in the way they want to go but in the way that they should go, which is a big difference. When they get older our hope is that with the years of training it will become a habit/lifestyle that they will not depart from it.
James Dobson in his book "The Strong Willed Child" said, "Child rearing is like baking a cake. You don't realize you have a disaster until it's too late." But success in both child rearing and cake baking is best achieved by following the recipe.  Don't end up with a disaster- follow the recipe from the word of God.
Have a great October month- remember it is also Breast cancer awareness month. If you are at that age - make sure to get your mammogram.
In His Service,


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