Wednesday, October 7, 2015

See your child as an individual, not a replica of their sibling

As parents we sometimes tend to compare one child with another. We make statements like “your brother was such a good boy” or your sister did so well in school” Although some of these statements may be true this is no way to encourage and build self-confidence in your child or children. We do not want to make one child feel inferior to any of their siblings.

God has created each of us as unique, gifted individuals. None of us is exactly the same. Twins and triplets have many similarities but even they also have some differences.

Romans 12: 6 indicates that we have “different gifts according to the grace given to each of us” None of our children (neither were you) were overlooked when God was distributing gifts. That is not the way that God operates- He is not partial. God places in each individual something unique that will distinguish them from everyone else. We are not a mass production.

I encourage you to ask God for discernment to see that special gift He has given to your child and help them to develop that gift. Do not bury it and try to develop in them what is in their other sibling. The gift that we have was put their so that we can use it to compliment and bless someone else. Our unique gifts and abilities are designed to match up with others to be even more effective as a whole in the kingdom of God.

In His Service,


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