Friday, August 23, 2013

We pray for our children because: We cannot do it without Divine Intervention

 We cannot “wing” parenting. Most mothers really do want to be good mothers but fail to utilize the right resources to help them do so. Some mothers who can afford to will buy the latest books available on ” successful parenting” others will have chat sessions with other mothers to hear how they do it, but in the end will come up short.  I have come to realize that parenting is not even about your support systems. I have seen children being messed up who come from 2-parent families, rich families, poor families, black families, white families, Hispanic and Asian families; well-educated families and un-educated families.
 I realize that In order to do this job of parenting right, we need the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is crystal clear that we cannot be successful mothers/parents without divine intervention.  I found out that the best manual on child-rearing so far is the Bible- Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Do children from Christian families mess up? Yes they do, but the bible tells us that they will “not depart from it” Prov. 22:6. Jeremiah 24:7 also tells us that God will give them a heart to know Him and “they shall return.” That is what God has promised.

There is nothing wrong with reading a book about parenting but we must be careful to make sure that the contents line up with what the word of God is saying. Being a mother requires considerable effort. It requires many hours of knee time, studying the word of God, and obedience to the word. It takes unconditional love, patience, kindness, compassion, gentleness and longsuffering. The best we can do is to keep our children before the Lord daily, and teach them biblical information that will help them make right choices in life. God through the Holy Spirit is the only one that can bring the revelation that will eventually result in character transformation. This is what Isaiah 54:13 is talking about-“All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.”
"Luck” does not factor into child rearing, it’s all about the blessings, Grace and Mercy of God and your obedience to His word.  

Have a great Weekend!

In His Service,


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