Friday, September 6, 2013

Leaving a Legacy behind

I trust you had a great week and I wish for you an equally great weekend.
Have you ever wished that you never had to work so hard? Or you had inherited some legacy from a grandparent, great aunt or uncle that would make things a bit easier for you and your children? Well do you have to be rich to leave a legacy for someone?
Most times when we hear about a legacy we think of material things- money, properties, jewelry etc. However there is much more to a legacy than material things. If the truth be told every person on earth will leave a legacy behind, the more important thing is what kind of legacy do we want to leave?
Pause for a moment and look at your life. What you are seeing now is your legacy? How does it look? Is it something that you would want from someone else? In Proverbs 13:22a- A good person leaves an inheritance for their children's children- my understanding is that whatever I leave behind will also be passed down to my grandchildren. This makes me sit up and take note and make sure that my legacy will be worthwhile for my children and grandchildren. It would appear that the decline of this great country in the future will be partly due to our failure to raise our children according to the word of God so they in turn will be able to pass those values to their own children.
As I have heard before there is a difference between your reputation and your legacy. Your reputation is who you are supposed to be, your legacy is who you are. You can make a reputation in a short time but it takes a lifetime to build a legacy.
Today I caution you to consider, every decision you make and think how it may affect your children and grandchildren before you actually make them. Your children are watching your every move even when you tell them to "do as you say not as you do". Let us try to pattern apostle Paul, (2 Tim. 4:6-7) he recounted his legacy by saying he had - 1. "fought the good fight" 2. "Finished the race"   3. "Kept the Faith".
What about you? How is your fight? Are you still in the race or did you quit? Is your faith still strong or are you wavering?
In His Service,

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