Friday, October 11, 2013

Did you know God reveals Secrets to us?

 I pray you had a productive week, at least more productive than our government is at the moment :).

 As we pause from all that is going on around us let us continue to encourage ourselves with the promises that God has for us and for our children. 

 This week let us look at Deut. 29:29 - The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the Words of this Law.

 Did you realize God has secrets? Yes He does, however, He does reveal some of these secrets to us. God does not reveal these secrets just because He wants to impress us but because He has something very important He wants us to know. These secrets are not just for us but they are tran-generational and they last for ever. The other thing we need to understand is that these secrets are meant for us to live a better life.

There are times when we miss what God is saying to us because we have not developed a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. We fail to spend quiet time with God and most times when we go to Him we keep talking rather than listening. So why don't we try listening more and talking less. There is no better time than starting this weekend.

 In His Service,



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