Sunday, October 20, 2013

You are Special to God

How was your week? How are the children? I trust all is well with the family and you are looking forward to a great weekend together- physically and spiritually. I find it such a privilege and honor every weekend writing to you. I want you to know that I do find you all very special.
As a matter of fact I am not the only one who finds you special but so does God. Here is what He says about you.
In Psalm 139:14 - God says," You are fearfully and wonderfully made." In Psalm 17:8, we are reminded that "we are the apple of His eye." In Deuteronomy 7:6, God is saying that you are "His treasured possession." In Isaiah 43:1-5 He says "He has redeemed us, named us, will be with us through our rivers and our fires. When He looks at us He sees precious, He cannot help saying how much He has loved us and reminds us that we should not worry because He will bring our children from wherever they are.
Every time I read these verses I have no doubt in my mind of how very special a person I am. The faults others and myself see in me and are quick to point out God calls unique.
  In His Service,

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