Friday, February 8, 2013

Ask What You Will

 It took me a while, but I finally got it that our attitude determines whether we will have a good week or not. Having a good week does not necessarily mean everything went according to plan, but in spite of the week we refused to let it get us” bent out of shape”.  I thank those of you who from time to time let me know that you are praying for me I truly appreciate your prayers.  Please let us continue praying for our children in the various continents our final continent is South America- do not give up now you are almost there, these children also need our prayers.

As I encourage you to pray for your children, please remember to be honest and specific before God. God knows everything including our thoughts, but he wants us to verbalize our concerns and our requests. Here is what James 4: 2b -3a says: yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss,

God cannot lie, and like most of us do, He does not change His mind after he has spoken or made a promise.  So whatever He has promised is for the taking, it is ours- if you want it.  I realize that it may be difficult to accept this fact but it is true, that is the kind of God that I know, He never changes, and His word remains forever.

Let us look at one of his promise in Psalm 112: 1-2   Praise the LORD.  Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who finds great delight in his commands.  His children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.

The word Fear in this passage means to Reverence. The psalmist is saying that when we have reverential fear for God we are not only fortunate but we find great happiness or joy in doing what he asks us to do. The psalmist points out that our desire to please God makes room for our children to become monumental in the land. He goes on to remind us that the entire generation of the upstanding or righteous will be blessed.

Do you realize that some of the blessings we are walking in at the moment are as a result of the prayers and uprightness of our parents, grandparents or great grandparents?  Mothers as we pray and delight in doing what God requires let us ask Him to manifest the greatness and blessings He has promised our children. Some of these blessings- good health, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, wealth, peace, protection and the list goes on and on.  For me that is God news!!!  What about you?

Beginning next Friday there will be a new look to our weekly e-mails. Coming next month we will have our monthly meeting as a webinar. This will give the opportunity for more people to hear what happens monthly in M-Push. Please put this on your calendar 3/2/2013.

In his Service,


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