Friday, February 22, 2013

Integrity: It Pleases God

As we continue to pray for our children, let us not get weary in well doing. Each day is a new struggle and a new battle but remember that we have the Victory in Christ Jesus.
Prayer Focus this week: Integrity- pray that your child or children will walk in integrity.

The word integrity can be used interchangeable with words like honesty, truth, honor, reliability, uprightness and veracity.  These are virtues that as a mother we want our children to have. Most of us do teach these principles at an early age, however maintaining one’s integrity gets challenged in so many ways in today’s society and hence as mothers we need to pray that our children will stay grounded and not fall into the temptation of compromising their integrity. One person in talking about integrity puts it this way- integrity is deciding to integrate my hearts values into my daily actions. Integrity is one thing that pleases God- 1 Chr. 29:17. In essence a person with integrity is saying “here I am God you can trust and rely on me” Integrity can be demonstrated in so many ways like being willing to fail that math test rather than cheat, working a required 8 hours even when the boss is not in the office. It looks like returning the extra change to the cashier although you could use the money. Integrity is seen when confronted with a wrong-doing, admit to it rather than lie to get out of it. Integrity is seen when we keep our word, show up on time, be at our post, even if no one else is on time.

In His Service,


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