Friday, February 1, 2013

Keep Your Rivers Flowing

Can you imagine we are already in the month of February?  The year seems to be going very fast, so make sure you do not procrastinate about the things you need to do, just do it.  I would like you all to join me as I welcome two new additions to our MPUSH family Sydelle Walker and Kenise Kidd. Please pray that these beautiful gifts from God will bring continuous joy to their parents and that they will grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord. Let us continue to pray for our children in the various continents. Tomorrow we end our week praying for children in North America and we look forward to start praying for children in Oceania next week.
For this week I would like to encourage you to keep “the river flowing” within you as well as within your children.  John 7:38 tells us: He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

 What comes to mind when we think of a river? Firstly is that every river has a source, secondly rivers are dynamic they keep flowing, thirdly rivers retain their beauty, and a good river never really ends instead it gets bigger. When I think of a river, I also think of its purposes such as quenching thirst, watering the vegetation around it, as a mode of transportation carrying barges or ships, or simple just adding beauty to the landscape.  

God has placed in each of us rivers of living water and like a natural river, our source is Jesus Christ (He that believeth on me). As Christian mothers we also need to be dynamic and constantly flow. We cannot allow our rivers to become stagnant or like a cistern retaining everything that flows in us. We should instead become channels of blessings to others. As the river serves as a pathway for barges travelling from one port to the next, so should we serve to help carry those who need help to get to their destination.

 At times through neglect we have allowed things to get into our rivers to block the flow and sometimes reduce the size to a stream or even to become completely dried up. I can quickly name a few things that will block our flow, not reading the word of God, not praying, operating in doubt and fear, un-forgiveness, envy. Hanging out with the wrong crowd, and not keeping our mind renewed. My challenge to us is to get rid of all this sludge, and allow our rivers to keep flowing. As it flows just watch and see the changes it will bring in your life. Your children stand to be the primary benefactors to get nourished and blossom and before you know it they will be right there flowing with you.

Our monthly meeting takes place tomorrow at 4pm- 920 Morningdale Dr. Wilmington 19810. Come and be blessed by a dynamic woman of God.

In His Service,


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