Friday, November 9, 2012

"Let your light Shine"

Let me thank those of you who rose to the challenge of praying for our children “50 states in 50 days”. If you have not yet started, do not get discouraged, it is not too late to pick up the baton and run with it, we are only at day 9-Florida with 41 more states to go. I hope no one was seriously affected by the hurricane or the recent nor’easter, if you were please let me know, how we may be able to help.
Beginning on Wednesday November 14th MPUSH will launch its weekly call in prayer line from 8-9pm. If you would like someone to pray with you for any reason, please call in at phone #: 1-218-862-6420 CC 7099800.

For this weekend I would like to encourage you to “let your light shine” So many times we complain about what is wrong with our young people, with others, with our country, with our jobs, but never make the effort to do something about it. Sometimes we take the position that just by ourselves there is not much we can do. However, doing nothing can be a more dangerous decision. Remember if there is no opposition to wrong, then what is wrong will multiply. I don’t know about you, but I try to avoid some people who every time I see or call to speak with them they have a long list of the same complaints over and over again.  The interesting thing is they refuse to do anything about it.
What would happen if God just sat in heaven and complained about all that has gone wrong with mankind?  He probably would not have sent Jesus to die on the cross for us. He did something then and He continues to do something still. God uses people ordinary and extra-ordinary like you and I to do the things that He needs done. I guess this is why Mt. 5:12 tells us to Let our light shine. If you think about it, it’s His light shining through us into the world. Our light can shine in our discipline of our children, in speaking a word of hope to someone, in not compromising what is right. It is helping those who need help it is speaking up and speaking out when we see injustice and work for justice where we can, it is even a simple think as praying for our children, our spouses or significant others, our co-workers and our neighbors. It is refusing to gossip when everyone else is doing so.  Making a difference can start with you.

Father, I thank you that I can make a difference in my home, my community, at my job and in my church. So the next time I start to complain remind me to do something about it.

In His service,


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