Friday, November 30, 2012

Making the Lord our Habitation

To God be the glory for all that He has done.  It is Friday and almost the end of another week.  I hope you had a productive week and were able to accomplish your “to-do” list.  Don’t feel badly if you did not it will be waiting for you until you get to it.  I am having a fantastic time praying for children in the various States, today is day 30 and we have only 20 more States to go.  If you did not start at the beginning of November, how about starting tomorrow December 1st as we pray for children in New Mexico, and by the way you still have time to pray today for our children in New Jersey- It is powerful.

I would like to leave these verses of scripture with you as your prayer point for your children this week.  Psalm 91:10-12: There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.  For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.  They shall bear thee up in [their] hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.  

If you get some time try to read the entire psalm 91 and you will realize the number of promises that this psalm alone talks about.  However there is a key element that we should not miss, these are promises to those that have made the Lord their habitation or dwelling place.  So first and foremost let us pray that our children will make the Lord their dwelling place.  A dwelling place is a place where you spend a significant amount of time, a place with which we are familiar, where we can get comfortable and relax.  So if we translate this to the Lord as that dwelling place, we want our children to be spending a significant amount of time with Him, we want them to become familiar with His ways, and to feel comfortable in his presence to the point that they can relax and not become anxious.  Evil cannot get to them when He is their habitation, plagues must stay away.  They have angels who are solely in charge of their every move, including holding them in their hands so they would not hit their foot against a stone.  Two words that I will use to sum this all up are Safety and protection.
I don’t know about you, but just writing this overwhelms me of how Awesome God is.  

Have a great weekend.

In His Service,


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