Friday, November 2, 2012

More than Conquerors

Breaking news- children in Alabama felt a special anointing and presence of the Holy Spirit yesterday and the children in Alaska are beginning to feel the same way, and the overflow is already making its way to Arizona.  The devil is trembling as he is beginning to get a headache from all the brick walls he has encountered in Alabama and Alaska.  However, God is pleased as he hears the cry of over 200 mothers interceding and standing in the gap for these children and He remembers His word in Isaiah 65:24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
It is only day 2, and so mothers if you have not yet started your commitment “50 states in 50 days” get going!!!  You will be surprised of the personal benefits you will receive.
Let us also pray for families that were affected by Hurricane Sandy- especially in New York and New Jersey.  Let us also pray for the safety and wisdom of those first responders .

For this week, let me remind you that each of you is more than a conqueror.  Romans 8:37 tells us- Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
Do you really believe this?  I know that there are times when we allow fear to creep in and stop us from pursuing the things God has called us to do, from going after our dreams, starting that business, returning to school or even to discipline our children.  Sometimes because we fear that we may offend someone, we refuse to say a simple no to some things. My question is where did this fear come from?

 II Tim 1:7: For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.  So if God did not give it to us where did we find it?  Go put it back where you found it.  Just know that In order to be a conqueror we must be courageous and determined that regardless of what obstacles come our way, we keep pushing forward.  The spirit of fear will always try to sneak around and try to intimidate us, but speak to it as you would speak to a real person and command it to go.  After all you have the power to get it done.
Let us pray that both we and our children will be courageous and stand, knowing that the fight is fixed- we are more than conquerors.

In His Service,


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