Friday, December 26, 2014

Making plans for 2015

I hope you had a great Christmas and you were able to spend some quality time with your family as well as get some well needed rest.

  Can you believe 2015 is almost here? You only have 5 more days to accomplish your goals for 2014.  I is very easy to make plans for what you want to do but it becomes much more difficult when the time comes to execute those plans.

At the start of 2015, as many of us usually do, we will again be making plans. Some of these plans will be elaborate and others will be very simple.  Whatever the degree of complexity please make sure that they are similar to the plans that God has ordained for you?  

 I have often heard it mentioned that the grave yard is the richest place on earth as many have died with their potential never realized.  We must always remember that none of us are accidents here on earth but that we were all created for a purpose. Do you know what this purpose or plan is? Have you thought about people whose destiny may be dependent on your obedience to what God is asking of you?

 According to Jeremiah 29:11  God does have a plan for you, so why not consult Him for 2015 to make sure that you are on track? It is better to be unsuccessful doing what God has planned for you to do, than being successful at what He did not ask you to do.

 For 2015: It is my prayer that as mothers we will operate in the will of God and according to the word of God. It is my hope that we will not do what is popular but instead will do what is righteous. It is my hope that we will love not just our children more, but our neighbor's children and the nation's children. It is my hope that we will remain steadfast, and will not give up easily, that we will exemplify the fruit of the spirit in our homes and everywhere we go. It is my hope that any broken relationships with our children in 2014 will be mended for 2015 and that your children will rise up and call you blessed. It is my hope that you will maximize your potential for 2015

Have a Happy New Year!!!!



Saturday, December 13, 2014

Give Hope this Christmas

The Christmas season is here, and there seems to be a lot of hustle and bustle as we get ready to celebrate Christmas. For some of us it is a season  in which we get so stressed out trying to meet all the demands that are being made on us. For those with young children the shopping list appears to get longer and more expensive. Some have signed up at work for extra hours, all in the name of having enough money to spend. Some on the other hand more so  those in the retail arena are forced to do extra hours so others can satisfy their shopping binge.
  For this Christmas season, why not add some spice into the mix. Let's give some person the gift of hope. So many people have lost hope- hope in the justice system, hope in their bosses, their co-workers, their friends, their pastors, their church family, as a matter of fact they have lost hope in people in general. Suicide rate has escalated, violence is rampant, poverty is real, homelessness is increasing and for some there appears to be no light at the end of the tunnel.
In addition to helping in a tangible way I suggest that as Christians we need to take this opportunity to share the Christmas story with those who may not know about it. This is a " good news story" that we cannot keep to our self. Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world was born. As bad as their situation may be, there is great hope. This Jesus has such incredible love and compassion for us that He came to earth just to redeem us from the hands of Satan and for this reason we celebrate and rejoice in this season.
  Merry Christmas!
  In His service,


Friday, November 28, 2014

We continue to give thanks

 I hope you had a great time of fun and fellowship with your family yesterday as you all celebrated Thanksgiving.  I actually hosted Thanksgiving dinner -and had my family over, everything went well -Praise the Lord. Two years ago I never knew that I would have gotten to this point. God has brought me a mighty long way. Please continue to keep me and my family in your prayers.

 In addition to your meal, what else were you thankful for this holiday season? I hope you were able to identify at least one other thing that you were grateful for. It is so easy to focus on that one thing that we do not have rather than on the many things that we do have.

I Thess. 5: 18 sums this up very well. Here is what it says.

In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

 I don't want you to miss what Paul is saying here when he says- In everything give thanks. Paul is not saying that we should give thanks for everything, but that we should give thanks in everything. If we have this attitude it means that we recognize God's sovereign hand is in charge, and not blind fate or chance.

 Paul continues to tell us that we should give thanks because "this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you":  The thought isn't "this is God's will, so you must do it." The thought is rather "this is God's will, so you can do it."

 It isn't easy to rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks, but we can do it because it is God's will.  Let us pray that we will always strive to display a heart of thankfulness and that our children will also develop a grateful heart.

 In His service,



Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

 I wish for all of you a great and HAPPY thanksgiving day. I do realize that for many of us the holiday season can be extremely difficult especially for those of us who have lost loved ones- spouses, children, parents. The pain for some is still very piercing, as this may be the first, second or third holiday without our precious loved ones.

However, let us make the best of and:

Give God thanks for those that are still with us and for a chance to still let them know how thankful we are for them.

Give God thanks for a place that you can call home, where you are sheltered from the cold and wind.

Give God thanks that He woke you up this morning and that you are in your right mind.

Give God thanks for the food that He has provided for you today, whether in your own kitchen or in someone else's kitchen.

Give God thanks for all the leftovers you will have for days and the creative ways that He will allow you to use up your left over.

Give thanks that He keeps His word and the spirits of your loved ones are secured in His arms until He returns when you will all be united once more.

In His Service,


Friday, November 14, 2014

God's name can never be erased.

What a reassurance to know that our God is always in control. He does not get concerned about the various methods that mere mortal men have tried to keep him in a box. He knows that His position can never be usurped and He will never abdicate it.

 As much as we know this, we tend to get concerned when He seems to be too quiet. There are times when certain things happen we tend to question how did that one slip by Him? There are times when it appears that the wicked are prospering while the righteous appears to suffer, So many times we see one nation overpowering the next and it appears that God is nowhere to be found. I have learned that these are times when we must go on what we know about God and not on the appearance of things.

Earlier this week someone shared with me about her husband a football coach, receiving an e-mail from ACLU telling him that he could not participate in prayer with his students. He was also told that he should be a certain number of feet from the students when they prayed. Just  prior to this incident it was on the news where another football coach was disciplined and also told that he could not join the circle if his football players chose to pray before their games. In addition 2 school districts in Maryland decided that their students would now have winter and spring break instead of Christmas break or Easter break. This is truly amazing as we can clearly see what is happening in schools and with our children with them trying to remove the name of Jesus/God from schools.

  Do you realize that try as we may we cannot erase the name of the Lord? Did you know that no one else can take His place even if to some of us He does not seem to be functioning the way we think He should?  Here is a great passage that was shared at our time of prayer at my church - Isaiah 40:12-18 -This passage has certainly put things into perspectives, please take a minute to read it.

God is so big that he measures the seas by holding them in the palm of his hand
Do not get anxious. God is still in control and we will never be able to erase His name. Try not to get trapped in going along with the status quo, but keep saying Christmas and Easter holidays and teach your children why it is important.
Have a great Thanksgiving and remember to extend the generosity beyond your immediate family
In His service,



Saturday, November 1, 2014

God's Faithfulness

I trust you and your family are doing well and realizing all the blessings that God has promised to you.  I am doing well and just celebrated a very big birthday this past week. I am grateful for this awesome blessing but had mixed emotions as I thought about my son who never had even a half of what I celebrated. What can I say? God has been and continues to be faithful.
I am sure that you can also think of instances where God has proven His Faithfulness in your life as well as in the life of your family.

  David knew of God's faithfulness as well? Here is what he said in Psalm 37:25 - I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. David had been through many situations in His life but never felt that God had forsaken Him or allowed his offspring to be in want of food.

  Are you dealing with a situation in your life where you cannot see a way out? Are you overwhelmed with "stuff". Are you worried about your children- their choices, their health, their future? Well it is time to let go and Let God, knowing that He is Faithful to keep both you and your children from falling or suffering defeat. What a consolation !

 In His service,

Friday, October 17, 2014

Put God in the Mix

It's another Friday evening and it is with great pleasure that I share with you some words of encouragement and hope. I hope that you had a good week in spite of all that we are hearing in the news about the Ebola virus.
I find it so ironic that with all the safeguard in place the Ebola virus is here in this country. What is this saying? We can never be completely self reliant. We use our knowledge and skills, cross every "T" and dot every "I", but can most time miss our target. For this reason with everything that I do I have a safety net-God.
  Here is a verse that I would like to share with you this evening:
Proverbs 3: 6-In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct[a] your paths.
 In this verse Solomon is saying that we should seek God's guidance in everything that we do, big or small, easy or difficult. When we do this we will always be on target because we have a pilot at the wheel directing our route. What are your plans for your life? What plans do you have in place for your children, your career, your marriage, your retirement? Have you consulted God on the matter? If you have not I would run it by Him right now. It does not mean that everything will go smoothly, but does mean that with God's direction you will get to your destination.
 In His service,

Friday, October 3, 2014

OOPS....It's on purpose

I trust that you and your family have been doing well. My family and I have been doing well and continue to trust God for complete psychological and emotional healing. In order to achieve our goal we realize that we cannot just sit back and wait for it to happen by accident but have to deliberately put some things in place. As a matter of fact doing things on purpose should be the norm, not the exception..

   If we look at the life of Jesus Christ we see a great example of this. Everything that Jesus did involved steps for a single purpose and that was to redeem us from Satan and eventually for us to be with Him forever.  

  Here are some things that I want you to do on purpose starting today:

Purposely thank God for all that He has done and is doing for you and your family

Purposely give God Adoration and Praise

Purposely thank God for your children

Purposely hug your child or children and your spouse and tell them you love them

Purposely thank God for your trials and tribulations

Purposely speak life, not death into your life and the life of your family and everyone that you meet

Purposely love, especially the unlovable

Purposely be kind

Purposely give a smile

 , Remember if you are waiting for the perfect time when you feel on top of the world you may be waiting forever.

 In His service,



Friday, September 19, 2014

Are You Ready to make a Difference

Can you imagine September is more than half-way over and in less than four months we will be welcoming 2015.  Have it struck you how much things have changed over the last few years? Some of these changes are positive, but most of them are changes that warrant our attention. These changes are not only world-wide but are happening in our country as well, impacting our families.

 I don't know about you but my family has been impacted by some of these changes. These changes have created within me the awareness of our need to draw near to God, but also the need to arise and take our stand as Christians. As we look around and see what is happening we must become more passionate and determined to make a difference in our homes, our communities, our workplace and our ministries

Making a difference requires action. There is no place for apathy or indifference. We must turn our spiritual temperature up or off, being lukewarm will only get us spewed out (Rev. 3:16).

     What are some changes around us? Increase in wars, diseases that cannot be contained or cure, gun violence in our schools, suicide and mass murders within families. There seem to be Increase in the number of individuals declaring to be lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. Unemployment have escalated, natural disasters such as flooding, hail storms, tornados appear to be more frequent and at unusual seasons. Wild fires seem to be popping up more frequently. 

 What can you do? First you must realize that the answers do not lie within the government or world leaders, but in God. Let us come together and seek God's face and hear from Him.

Here are two opportunities where you can join others to pray for our nation, our government, our families, and our children.

 1. Kingdom prayer Gathering- Winning the battle on our Knees.
Saturday September 27th 2014 10am- 2pm
Embassy Suites Newark
654 South College Avenue
Newark, DE 19713
"Every spiritual awakening was founded on corporate prevailing, Kingdom Centered prayer"

 2. "Hearts like Water" Prayer call- as our children return to school
      Monday September 29th 2014 at 8:30p
       Call in info: 1-712-432-1212  meeting ID 395-735-840

In His service,


Saturday, September 6, 2014

You have all it takes

   I hope you are doing well and I trust that you had a fantastic week and looking forward to a great weekend.  By this time if you have younger children they are all back to school and college and you continue to daily lift them up before the Lord.
 Did you realize that you have what it takes to do all that God has called and is calling you to do? Yes you do, How do I know that? As a child of God you are created in His image and as any good father He has placed in you a wealth of resources in the person of the Holy Spirit. This resource will always walk beside you, and guide you in all truth. The scripture reminds us that what is inside of us is greater than anything in the world. We are also reassured that we are more than conquerors. What great news!

God will not ask you to do anything without giving you the tools or the ingredients to work with. That is not how God operates. He does not set us up or failure. Nobody can say he is an irresponsible father. Not only are you fully equipped but so are your children.

As you look at yourself is there a disconnection between who you were created to be and who you are at present?  Over the years I found out that the key in getting this in sync is obedience in what God is asking and Faith to step out and do it.  There were many times that I heard fear knocking at my door, but each time I would release Faith to go to answer him.

 I did not always get it right but I always tried and gave it my best shot. I kept remembering that it was not me taking on these tasks or pushing through these challenges but it was the God that I knew, that I taught my children about. He was the one who took over and gave me the strength that I needed.

My encouragement to you is never give up as you are also a conqueror. I don't care if it is a demanding boss, wayward children, loss of a job, foreclosure, a child with a chronic illness or even if you have suffered the loss of a loved one you will not go under. God has equipped you with all that you need for this journey called life. Find where these resources are. A key place to start is in His word.

In His service,


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Our Children are covered

I hope you are doing well and you are accessing and enjoying every blessing that God has in store for you. The summer holidays are almost over and many of our children are gone back to school or getting ready to go back in the upcoming week or so.   Hopefully those children in Ferguson, Missouri will be able to return to school shortly. Due to the riot that has been going on in Ferguson as a result of the shooting of 18 year old unarmed Michael Brown, the opening of schools last week was suspended.  

This evening I would like to share a prayer with you for your children as they return to school and college for the fall semester.

Father I am so thankful to you for keeping my children safe and occupied over the summer. As they return to school I pray that I will not become anxious and worry, knowing that I have committed them into your great big capable hands and under your very watchful all-seeing eyes.

I pray for their continued protection as they leave home on a daily basis or for the entire semester. I thank you for keeping their minds and giving them the ability to stay focused in their classes.

I denounce any unwanted spirit that would rise it's ugly head against them. I take a stand and denounce the spirits of violence, school shootings, bullying, drugs, alcoholism, pornography, homosexuality, lesbianism, and promiscuity. I say my child will not have issues of ADHD, ADD or oppositional defiant behaviors but will exhibit the mind of Christ.


I call forth the spirit of excellence, kindness, empowerment, and diligence to rise within them. I thank you for favor that will overtake them along the way. I thank you Lord that our children will be rewarded with good grades, that they will be leaders and not followers, and that they will be lights in every dark places around them. In the name of Jesus, Amen!
Please continue to pray for the various cities- see August Calendar . Let us also remember to pray for those people in West Africa- affected by the Ebola virus- Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria in particular.

 In His Service,






Friday, August 8, 2014

Our Gifts-our Children

I hope you are in good health and that you had a great week. I know most times we identify "great" as something earth shattering, however it could be something simple as being able to move around unaided, or as simple as knowing where your children are. 

     For this week I would like to remind you of one of the key messages of this ministry- "children are gifts on loan from God" I feel compelled to constantly remind us because we tend to forget especially when or relationship with them becomes rocky. We need to be reminded as well when we see them as our own to do what and how we want with them. Be reminded keeps things always in perspective, knowing that we will need to give an account for the way in which we handled these gifts. Being reminded keeps us humble knowing how privileged we are to be chosen as caretaker of these precious gifts. God does not give us garbage, He gives us the best.
 Today let us thank God for our gifts and not spend time comparing them with someone else's gift. Every gift is unique and was created with you in mind. Pray for wisdom in understanding who to correctly care for and utilize these precious gifts so that God is honored and gets all the Glory. Let us see them as in the image of God and not just as an image of you and or their earthly father. Not only are they created in God's image but they also possess some of His characteristics. Your job is to help bring these out of them to be displayed for the world to see.
Please continue to pray for the various cities- see August Calendar . Let us also remember to pray for those people in West Africa- affected by the Ebola virus- Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria in particular
 In His Service,

Friday, July 25, 2014

Benefits Galore

It is such a pleasure every time that I get an opportunity to connect with you. I do hope that your week was good and that you were able to accomplish all or most of what you had set out to do. 
For this week I would like to share with some and remind others of some of the fantastic benefits that we and our children can enjoy - Psalm 103:2-5: Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits-- who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's (NIV).
Sometimes we tend to look at benefits as something tangible, but think of how powerful these blessings are that we can so very easily overlook. I don't know about you but my family and I look forward to enjoying these blessings.
In simple words we have the benefits of salvation, health, wealth, love, compassion and youthfulness. So regardless of what things may look like let us keep the main thing the main thing and get in position so that we are able to access these benefits.
Please remember to join us as we continue to pray for the various cities as indicated in the calendar for the month of July.  Have a great weekend!
In His Service,

Monday, July 7, 2014

Making it happen Monday

Have you ever found yourself being constantly reminded of a wrong that you have done in the past? Sometimes it appears that you keep paying over and over and never can vindicate yourself. It is like your past is keeping you a hostage so that you are unable to move forward.
Perhaps you may be the one who like to hold on to the wrong that someone has committed against you. The person has apologized, tried to make it right but you insist on holding that offense against them, reminding them of it every chance you get.

This evening I want to make it happen for you. I need to share with you some good news. Romans 8:1- There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. What does Paul mean when He says there is no more condemnation to those of us in Christ Jesus? 

Let me take you back to the beginning. God created mankind in His image. Man was perfect and without sin. However before long, we became tainted with sin through the disobedience of Adam and Eve and became separated from God. 

Each year the high priest would now have to go to the inner sanctuary of the temple also known as the Holy of Holies to make atonement for our sins. The high priest had to first cleanse himself and make sure that he was in right standing with God before he went behind that veil into the Holy of Holies. If the Priest did not meet the standard God required he would be struck dead inside and the sin of the people would not be forgiven. They would have to wait for another whole year to have their sins forgiven. Over 2000 years ago Jesus changed this pattern. He became the final High Priest by shedding His blood, not that of goats and lambs, to atone for our sins once and for all.

At the moment of Jesus’ death the veil (very thick curtain) that separated the inner sanctuary (Holy of holies) from the rest of the temple was split from the top to the bottom.  This signified that there is no further separation between us and God. We no longer need to rely on a high priest to make a once a year atonement for our sins.  Jesus paid for our sins in the past, present and future.  All we need to do is to confess what we have done wrong to God and He immediately not only forgives us but He completely forgets about it.

Satan can no longer accuse us or condemn us. You and I are free to move on with our lives not stay stuck in the past.  Accept this freedom that Christ gave to us. Just as God through Jesus Christ has forgiven us, do likewise to that person who may have caused you wrong. Is it your child, your spouse or a friend? Won’t you make it happen for them today?

In His Service,




Friday, June 27, 2014

Summer is here

Summer is finally here. The grass is all green, the trees are bountiful, the flowers are blooming and everywhere we turn we can see the handiwork of God. With summer however, there are some other things that some of us may need to deal with- finding summer camp for our younger children who we cannot leave alone at home, there are also our college students who have come home, some may have a job, other's of them do not have a job or frankly speaking want a job. All of a sudden food that would usually last for 2 weeks is now barely enough for one week- our college students love home cook or parents bought food :)
Here are  some tips to bear in mind
1. Drink Plenty of water- at least 8 glasses daily
2. Use sunscreen lotion when out in the sun and reapply every 2 hours- all skin types are subject to get burned
3. Use insect repellants that are safe
4. As much as possible provide shade for your eyes- use a baseball cap for younger children when they are outside to provide some shade for their eyes if wearing sunglasses is a problem.
5.The sun is hottest between 10am and 2pm as much as possible avoid being outside.
6. Be aware of poison Ivy, poison oak or poison sumac- if you don't know how to recognize them- just stay away from all 3-leafed green plants.
7. Take advantage of those fresh fruits and vegetables they are usually cheaper in season than out of season.
8. Frequently check on elderly relatives to make sure that they have air conditioning available.
9. Visit the park, take walks and enjoy your surroundings- good habit to lose some weight.
10. Use your grill as much as possible- grilled foods are healthier than fried.
In His Service,

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Walking in Victory

I hope you are taking advantage of remembering what this very special time of year means in the life of Christians. For the entire week, I have been posting daily on face book the events that took place during this Holy week.  The story about Jesus' crucifixion, burial and Resurrection never gets old. It is a stark reminder of how much God loved us sending His son to endure what He did to save you and I.

    Our Salvation is free to us but was costly to God and His son Jesus. As I think about all that Jesus had to face, I am more determined to enjoy all the privileges He afforded me. I just cannot take what He did for granted.

Most of us are satisfied with just salvation, that is critical but there is more. I see salvation as the access door to a world of endless blessings.

  Here is how I look at things: After what He has been through- I cannot allow the power He has given me to just sit there and not activate it. I cannot allow fear to keep me from speaking to situations in my life that are trying to create havoc. I cannot hold on to what others have done to me and not forgive and pray for them. I cannot allow sickness to get the better of me. I cannot allow people to remind me of things I have done wrong and feel condemn. I must believe His word when He says my children are a blessing and a heritage. I must act as if He knows more about me than even I know about myself. I must never forget the unchanging love He has for me and I MUST ALWAYS WALK AS ONE VICTORIUS AND NOT AS ONE DEFEATED. What about you?

 In His Service,


Friday, March 21, 2014

Gone too soon

Can you believe it tomorrow March 22nd will be two years since my son passed away. I guess time does fly whether you are having fun or not. For me this is just like yesterday. It is so incredible how a person's life can change so suddenly and so dramatically. The journey has been difficult, but I keep going because I know that I am not alone. Every step I take I can feel God's presence around me and hear His voice saying "I will never leave you nor forsake you".  I will not even pretend that I understand what God is doing but with a blind Faith I Trust Him.
 Here are some truths that I know about God;

1. He loves me with an everlasting love and would never do anything to cause me pain.
2. He knows the plans He had for me and they are plans to prosper and not to harm me, they are plans to give me a hope and a future.
3. I loved my son immensely but it did not even come close to how God loved Him.
4. God will use me and my experience to minister to others who may go through similar situations, so that they know that they too will make it.  
As another year comes to a close, please continue to pray for me , my husband and my daughter that we will allow ourselves to be cradled and rocked in God's arms.

 In His Service,


Friday, March 7, 2014

He has Keeping Power

 A wonderful Friday evening to you and yours. I hope your week was productive and you were able to achieve your goals. I realize that it sometimes takes a lot to stay focused and get things done. We all have very good intentions, which may not become realities because of us getting distracted by "things" even when they may seem legitimate.

For this evening I would like to share a verse of scripture from Psalm 121:3 I will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

This verse reminds us of the preserving power of God. If God keeps our feet from slipping we can translate this to mean that He will enable us to stand. There are situations that come upon us that will cause our feet to become shaky. But understand that God will not allow you to slip or fall. His keeping power is available to us. Do not give in to that temptation in your moment of weakness; remember He has given us a way of escape. When these hurdles come along especially those high one that you are not able to jump over- do not panic- Allow God to take you over them.
There are times when it would appear that we cannot even see where we are going, we get thrown into valleys and unfamiliar terrains, know that God specialize in creating pathways for you that will keep you from stumbling. Psalm 37:23-24 is a good affirmation of this truth- this is what it says: The steps of a man are established by the LORD and He delights in his way. When he falls, he shall not be hurled headlong; because the LORD is the One who holds his

hand. I Love this. Even when I fall, because I stray from the path He has created for me I will not be hurled- or thrown headlong- That is brain damage!!!!

The psalmist continues to remind us that: He who keeps (protects, guards) you will not slumber. In other words your guardian will not fall asleep-not even a light sleep or even doze off. His watchful eyes are never closed.

Guess what if He does that for you, He does the same for your children. God has no grandchildren; our children are also His children. So Keep Pushing for them.

In His Service,


Friday, February 21, 2014

Standing Firm

 How are you doing today? I trust that all has been well and that you are standing firm not allowing anything to make you lose a foothold in your walk with God. 

       I do understand that there are those days that make us question  our faith and make us want to take a break as we do get tired of fighting, tired of starting over, tired of doing the right thing, tired of transformation instead of conformation.  Maybe if we just take a break .....then we will feel better.  Well as tempting as this is we cannot let our guards down, we must stand and having done all we must remain "standing" Yes we must continue to PUSH knowing that God's strength will be made perfect in our weakness.

       We must remember that as the light of the world we cannot hide "undercover" but instead shine our lights so that we and others can see more clearly. It is important to understand that you are not alone and that you have a helper in the person of the Holy Spirit who is waiting to step right in as  soon as you ask him to. What I have come to realize is that when we get tired and overwhelm we are usually trying to do things on our own, rather than trusting God, we are trying to figure out things logically rather than Spiritually, and we are trying to please men rather than God.  

       So let me encourage you today as I encourage myself- Stand firm, stay focused, let go and Let God. The seeds you are planting today at home, in your children, in your community or at your jobs will be the fruit you will reap tomorrow and be able to feed a nation if you faint not.


 In His Service,


Friday, February 7, 2014

Black History Month_ Mary Fields

   I hope you are doing well and is continuing to stand on the promises of God for you and your children.  The last two weeks have been challenging for a number of us with all that snow and ice.  I heard about the grueling travel for so many in Georgia as they battled the icy streets. Some people especially in Pennsylvania are still without electricity since Wednesday,  I truly feel your pain. In spite of it all to God be the glory!
February is a great month, not because valentine's day falls in this month, but it is also the month that we pause to celebrate "Black History."  It is that time when we highlight black individuals who have made a significant contribution to our history. Among these individuals are some women who have made great strides but we do not hear as much about them as we do Sojourner Truth, Madame CJ and Harriet Tubman.
Today I would like to share briefly about one of these women: Mary Fields
 Mary was born into enslavement in Tennessee. She was 6 foot tall. She spent her life doing heavy labor until she moved to Montana at the age of 52. After a series of odd jobs, Mary eventually found her niche. In 1895 she found a home with the postal service where she could use her special set of skills and signature toughness (often seen with a cigar and a 12-gauge shot gun). Mary delivered in any weather, across any terrain, earning the nickname "Stagecoach Mary" and inadvertently helping along the advancement of the rural area she serviced. 
Mary made things happen then. What can you do to make something happen today?
 In His Service,


Friday, January 24, 2014

Unless the Lord builds the house.....

I hope you are doing well and have started to reclaim the territories you lost in previous years and gearing up to conquer some new grounds. Well this is the focus for MPUSH and for me in particular for 2014.  We cannot allow Satan to keep any of our "stuff" - TAKE IT BACK !!!
I would like to share some insights I received from reading Psalm 127. This Psalm is considered a family psalm, written for Solomon by his father  
David.  Solomon had a house to build, a city to watch over and children to raise.  In the midst of all this responsibility David encourages Solomon
 to look to the Lord for direction and depend on His providential care. David knew that as wise as Solomon was his wisdom was insufficient to bring success in all he had to do. I especially like verse 2 which shows us that regardless of how early we wake up or how late we go to bed, God is the one that allows us to have a restful sleep, not the amount of work we do.
As we hustle and bustle to get our house  and family in order let us always remember to include God in all our affairs, because without him we will fail or will have to work twice as hard.  Stay warm!
 In His Service,


Friday, January 10, 2014

Spiritual Fasting

Many of us welcome the month of January to shed the many pounds that we accumulated over thanksgiving and Christmas. Some of us join the local gym and work out, and many will participate in various types of "Fasts" depending on how quickly they want to shed those pounds.

  Many Christians individually or collectively with their churches also participate in a Spiritual fast at the start of the New Year. For many of us it is the 21-day Daniel Fast.  There are approximately 99 verses in the bible that refer to "Fasting" and hence it must be of great importance.  Although God commanded fasting by the Israelites in the Old Testament, we do not see Him commanding fasting in the New Testament or as a matter of fact forbidding it. Many early Christians did however practice fasting and prayer as a part of their spiritual lives and so should we. Having said this we should not participate in a Fast just to say we did a fast, but we should do so with a purpose of gaining spiritual strength, a deeper understanding of God and a closer relationship with Him. Sometimes we need clarity from God concerning our next steps, sometimes we need a breakthrough concerning situations in our lives (our health, issues with our children, our marriages or our career).

When we fast it is not about the length of time fasting but it is the effectiveness of it. Although fasting is generally abstaining from food, you can also fast from other things that will require some sacrifice such as watching television.  If you have never fasted before and want to try it, you should start with a partial fast- such as abstaining for  a few hours and not an entire day.

 In His Service,


Friday, January 3, 2014

Return to Sender?

I hope that 2014 started out well for you. I am confident that God has many blessings reserved and packaged for you and your family just waiting to be received. I trust that you will take hold of them and not allow them to sit with a return to sender stamp like what happens to our mail from the post office.
 I trust that you will take hold of them and not allow them to sit with a return to sender stamp like what happens to our mail from the post office.

Letters are returned to the sender for a number of reasons:

"Incomplete address" -I am convinced that will never be the reason for God's blessing to be returned because He knows exactly where we are at all times. This is keeping with Him being Omniscient.

"Addressee moved with no forwarding address"- God sends us His blessings to where He has told us to be. Most times we choose not to be obedient and we either stay when we are told to go or we go when we are told to stay.

"Addressee refused mail"- At times God has blessed us but because the blessing may not be what we thought it would be (size, color, value) we refuse t accept it. Do not make this mistake as this good be the entrance to greater things.

"Signature needed before leaving mail"-When God blesses us we need to acknowledge it as such and personally give Him thanks.  You cannot allow someone else to thank Him for you- it was yours. We need to endorse it by taking hold of it and allowing it to accomplish what it needs to.

 In His Service,
